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Stunning Microscope Photos That'll Amaze You

A peculiar and unseen world exists at our fingertips, and only a microscope has the power to bring this hidden dimension to light. To honor the beauty and scientific importance of microscopic photographs – also known as micrographs – the Nikon Small World image contest hands out awards to researchers and hobbyists who capture the most impressive photos.

This year, over 2,000 pictures were sent in from all over the world, and the best pictures were selected based on subject matter, technique, and inherent beauty. A selection of them can be seen below:

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First place: Keratin structures in human skin cells.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Bram van den Broek, Andriy Volkov, Dr. Kees Jalink, Dr. Nicole Schwarz, and Dr. Reinhard Windoffer
Second place: Seed-filled head of a groundsel flower.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Havi Sarfaty


Third place: A colony of volvox algae bursting open.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Jean-Marc Babalian
A tapeworm head. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
Teresa Zgoda
Fungus growing on a tomato.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dean Lerman
Lily pollen spores.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. David A. Johnston
Embryonic chick brain which has been colored using the "brainbow" genetic technique.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Ryo Egawa
Sensory hair cells (red) and neurons (green) reveal the structure of a rat cochlea (part of the inner ear).
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Michael Perny
This cartilage tissue was composed and colored to look like a Christmas tree.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Catarina Moura, Dr. Sumeet Mahajan, Dr. Richard Oreffo, and Dr. Rahul Tare
Two Weevils passing on their genetic inheritance.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Csaba Pinter
A close-up of a credit card's holographic logo. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
Steven Simon
The eye of a daddy long-legs. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
Charles Krebs
An orchid cuckoo bee. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
Levon Biss
Two Maestra butterfly eggs nestled on a leaf. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
David Millard
A bat fetus with see-through skin and bones.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Rick Adams
A great tit's down feathers shine like a rainbow.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Marek Mis
This dyed human hair has been tied into a knot. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
Harald K. Andersen
Anchor-like structures line the skin of a sea cucumber.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Christian Gautier
An impressive profile of a mouse embryo wall.
Stunning Microscope Photos
Dr. Dylan Burnette
A colony of fungus in some soil. 
Stunning Microscope Photos
Tracy Scott
Source: sciencealert
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