Using remains and samples from all over the world and from many different time eras, scientists have been able to make reconstructions of what, they think, are our ancient fathers. If this is true, these pictures can show us how our kind has changed over the years. What a long amazing way we might have gone through to get to where we are today, and who knows what might still ahead of us. |
Australopithecus Afarensis - Relatively larger than modern humans but with a smaller brain. |
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A reconstruction from the famous remains of an Australopithicus Afarensis found in Ethiopia, Lucy. |
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Australopithecus afarensis - A hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago. |
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Homo Habilis - Thought to have been masters the Lower Paleolithic Olduwan tool set, which used stone flakes. |
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Homo Erectus - A name meaning the "upright man". |
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Homo Erectus Georgicus - A subspecies of Homo Erectus found only in Georgia. This subspecies had a relatively advanced spine and lower limbs, providing greater mobility. |
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Homo ergaster - A name meaning the "working man". |
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Sahelanthropus Tchadensis - A specimen that may represent a common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. |
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Paranthropus Boisei - It lived in Eastern Africa from about 2.3 until about 1.2 million years ago. |
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Homo Rhodesiensis - Also known as the Rhodesian man. |
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Homo Neanderthalensis - Possibly a subspecies of Homo sapiens, they are very closely related to modern day humans. |
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Homo Floresiensis - Discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003. |
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We end with a picture of a Neanderthal child, so closely resembling a human child we can hardly tell the difference. |
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