What will the future look like? This is a question many of us ask ourselves when confronted with amazing discoveries and inventions that seem to prop up almost every day. One area that is developing rapidly is the one science fiction writers have been talking about for decades: The robots. But while most sci-fi writers focused on human looking robots, it seems that most of the development right now is about animal-looking robots, designed to imitate their natural counterparts. Here are four of the latest developments in animal robotics, and they include a dragonfly robot, a bird robot, a mule robot and even a cheetah robot! |
With the BionicOpter, Festo has technically mastered the highly complex flight characteristics of the dragonfly. Just like its model in nature, this ultralight flying object can fly in all directions, hover in mid-air and glide without beating its wings. |
SmartBird is an ultralight but powerful flight model with excellent aerodynamic qualities and extreme agility. With SmartBird, Festo has succeeded in deciphering the flight of birds - one of the oldest dreams of humankind. This bionic technology-bearer, which is inspired by the herring gull, can start, fly and land autonomously - with no additional drive mechanism. Its wings not only beat up and down, but also twist at specific angles. |
.U.S. military's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency latest robotic mule-like device. This robot mule is designed to follow a person, carrying on it equipment too heavy for people to carry, and do it in any terrain, including rocky areas, woodlands, and even across rivers. It has a special balancing system that is patented by the US army, and was originally designed to accompany soldiers |
Cheetah Robot is a fast-running quadruped developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from DARPA. It just blazed past its previous speed record, getting up to 28.3 mph, about 0.5 mph faster than Usain Bolt's fastest 20 meter split, making it faster than the fastest man on earth. This one, we have to say, is a bit scary, and we hope it is never used to run people down... |
The Transistor: The Invention that Changed EVERYTHING....
We use transistors every day, all day. But how much do you know about this incredibly important invention?
Did You Know Bones Make Up 15% of Your Bodyweight?
A 9-minute video compilation stacked with facts you've never heard about nature and the human body.
Incredible New Bionic Arm Fuses With Woman's Nerves
Karin's bionic hand is real sci fi, making her one of the first true cyborgs.
Thought Nature is Wild? See It Under a Microscope
You won't believe the things you could discover by looking at everyday items under a microscope.
Just Like We Do With Plants- Humanity Can Now Sow Clouds
Cloud seeding - this is the term used to describe the process of "planting" rain clouds in the sky, and now it is finally possible.
Fascinating: How are CPU Chips Made?
This is a comprehensive look at both the fabrication process and the workings of a microchip plant that makes CPUs for computers.
Why Are Your Ears Ringing? The Causes Explained
Nearly 15% of the human population worldwide are plagued by this strange sensation, but most people don't know the causes behind ringing in the ears...
8 Important Inventions That Were a Complete Accident
It might be interesting for you to learn that some very important scientific innovations were born as a result of an accident.
Let's Learn All About Your White Blood Cells
White blood cells (WBCs) are the part of your immune system which is responsible for fighting infection. Learn all about them here!
Could These Signals Be A Sign of Extraterrestrial Life?
Scientists have recently picked up on a mysterious radio signal from space, and it could mean a lot - maybe even a sign from extraterrestrial life forms.
10 New Things We've Learned About The Brain
We have learned some astonishing new things about the human brain in recent times.
Study: Biggest Ocean in the World is.. Underground?
A groundbreaking discovery by researchers reveals an enormous water reservoir deep beneath the Earth's surface.
Amazing New Scientific Discoveries You Missed in 2024
There have been so many interesting scientific discoveries this year that we have missed!
6 Fascinating Stories of Accidental Medical Discoveries
From penicillin to pacemakers, here are the medical breakthroughs that were discovered by accident.
7 Overlooked Scientists Who Should Be Household Names
Meet seven scientists who never got the credit they deserved.
50 Crazy But True Facts About Dreams You Need to Know
Here are some strange and unusual facts about dreams that will surprise you.
I Never Knew These Stunning Facts About Our Universe
If you thought you understood the universe, you'll be completely floored by this insane facts.
15 Beautiful Carl Sagan Quotes on the Stars and the Cosmos
A look at some profound quotes on the universe by famous astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan.
Take an Incredible Tour of Our Colossal Milky Way Galaxy
Fly Through the Milky Way Galaxy!
Did You Know That Batteries and Magnets Can Make Magic?
Here are some cool magic tricks you can try at home using only a few magnets, batteries and other household items. Watch carefully as the magician puts together a completely self-reliant motor
You Won't Believe That These Things Exist in Japan...
If there's one place on this planet that well and truly at the forefront of modern technology, it has got to be Japan, as these inventions prove...
Satisfy Your Curiosity About the Universe with These Q&As
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Guide: All About the Gut-Brain Connection in Your Body
it's becoming increasingly clear just how influential our tiny gut microbes are in shaping our mood and even our overall health.
17 Experiments That Produced Very Bizarre Results...
Take a look at this collection of photos showing how common people performed some fascinating accidental scientific experiments.
Battle of the Sexes: How Our Brains React Differently
A new study claims to have discovered why women are typically more emotionally sensitive than men. Read all about it here.
Keep Your Home Safe with These Handy Gadgets
These 13 devices will transform your home security.
This Stunning Video Visualizes the Size of the Universe
This video visualizes the number of galaxies in the world, giving you a look into the true size of our enormous universe.
Do You Know What Alzheimer's Really Is?
This video will shed light on the different stages of this complex and incredibly destructive disease.
6 Harmful Toxins You Didn’t Know You Encounter Daily
These toxic chemicals can be found in everyday products and can be extremely dangerous to us.
Watch the Best HD Panorama Photo of Mars Ever Taken
Watch an incredible 1.8-Billion-Pixel panorama of the planet Mars that was recently captured by NASA's Curiosity rover.
What's the Largest Thing in the Universe?
In this video, we look into some of the mightiest structures in the known universe.
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
Travel From the Sun to Pluto With Our Interactive Guide!
The solar system is a fascinating place, and we wanted to bring you an interactive journey that you can use to travel through it. Enjoy the journey!
Fascinating: How Fast Does Our Brain Operate?
Ever wonder at what speeds our thoughts move?
3 Surefire Ways to Always Identify Pseudoscience
Find out how you can identify pseudoscience, and learn how it differs from actual science.
New Study: A Pill that Works Out Your Muscles?!?
New study shows that, though we are not there yet, a pill can and probably WILL come out that works out the muscles and grows them.
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
8 Jaw-Dropping Black Hole Facts to Warp Your Mind
These black hole facts will bend your mind!
14 Retro Inventions That Stunned Crowds Back in the Day
These inventions were the talk of the town back in the day.
The First Robot Ever Made Was Created 250 Years Ago...
This automaton is pure genius, especially when you consider it was built 250 years ago...
20 Amazingly Simple Inventions That Make Life Easier
Some wonderful inventions can fix some of the most annoying little problems that bug us every single day. Here are 20 of the most inventive ideas I've ever seen that I can't believe no one has invented before.
The Facts You Didn't Know About the Human Body...
Discover 120 fascinating and surprising facts about your body you may not have known. Going over most of the body parts, you will learn so much you never knew about the body we all use.
The Real Reason Companies Prevent You from Fixing Things
Ever felt like you should be able to fix that broken gadget, but something's holding you back? Watch this to know more.
You Won't Believe What Passes for a Phone in North Korea
You won't believe what phones look like in North Korea!
Why Do You See Colors When You Rub Your Eyes?
Explore the science of afterimages, the visual illusions that linger in your vision following exposure to bright lights or images.
Wonder Why Time Speeds Up As You Age? Here's the Answer
We all get the sensation that time moves faster as we get older, but there are scientific reasons for that. Read on to learn about this fascinating phenomenon.
13 Incredible ROOF INNOVATIONS For Your House
Keep the roof of your house safe with these incredibly useful inventions.