New Test Discovers Cancer Months Before it Appears!
Scientists have created a new test that can detect cancer up to a year earlier than conventional tests. Read more about it here.
7 Materials That May Change our Lives Forever!
The following 7 futuristic materials will change our lives forever.
This is How to Activate Your Brain's Ability to Learn
A recent study has shown that overlearning might improve performance in a particular task by altering the chemicals in the brain that "lock" in training.
12 Steps That Help to Explain Einstein's Famous Theory
Have you ever wondered what Einstein's Theory of Relativity is all about? If you have, here is an easy-to-understand explanation!
WATCH: The Next 1,000 Years of Human Evolution
It looks like immortality is going to be the biggest change we experience in our evolution over the next 1,000 years...
Who Doesn't Love Seeing Amazing New Inventions?
Isn't it wonderful when you see a new invention? This list includes no less than eight of them for you to marvel at.
Space Looks Breathtaking in These Amazing Photographs
There are some absolutely stunning photographs of space out there today, You won't believe how incredible it is!
Ponder Life's Big Questions with a Truly Brilliant Mind
Dr. Michio Kaku is known around the world for his brain power and ability to explain complex concepts with effortless ease. Here are his thoughts.
Scientists Claim: We May Have Found Consciousness Origin
Has Science Finally Found the Source of Human Consciousness?
Woah! Learning to Play Music Has This Effect on Your Brain
Learning how to play an instrument can do wonders for our's how!
Will this Water Bubble Replace Plastic Bottles?
Every year, 35 billion plastic water bottles are thrown away in the US. These take hundreds of years to decompose. The Ooho is the answer to this problem!
If You Think Brain Cells Can't Be Renewed, Think Again!
For as long as I can remember I've been told growing new brain cells in adulthood is impossible. However, this French neuroscienctist begs to differ!
These Stunning Medical Breakthroughs Can Change the World
The field of medicine is advancing at an incredibly rapid rate, and the past 18 months have been no exception. Here are the 5 most amazing recent breakthroughs.