Scientists Have Finally Created The First Living Robot
Scientists have finally created the world's first living robot. Watch the clip to find out more about this amazing discovery.
Breathalyzers May Be More Important Than You Thought
This video does a great job in breaking down how in the future, breath analysis can be used to detect disease and prevent more invasive procedures.
Watch Bill Gates Warn About the Pandemic 5 Years Ago...
5 years ago Bill Gates spoke in a Ted Talk and warned about a similar scenario to what is happening right now with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Galileo’s Greatest Discoveries: Jupiter’s Incredible Moons
Galileo was the first to discover these moons of Jupiter, which are still held in high regard and studied by astronomers everywhere even now
Are Underwater Turbines the Answer to Our Energy Question?
One of the most promising technologies in the renewable energy market is the ocean. Learn all about it.
Watch the Best HD Panorama Photo of Mars Ever Taken
Watch an incredible 1.8-Billion-Pixel panorama of the planet Mars that was recently captured by NASA's Curiosity rover.
Do You Want to See How the Universe Ends?
Take a huge journey in time with us, rushing ahead billions and trillions of years to when the universe will die.
8 Little Known-Facts about Neanderthals
How much do you know about Neanderthals? Here is a list of some amazing facts you probably didn't know about our long-gone relative.
Powerful New Antibiotic Was Discovered Thanks to AI
Experts claim we are in dire need of new antibiotics. This new research has discovered one, using a pioneering AI technology.
For As Long as Humankind Has Existed, Alcohol Has Followed
Alcohol has been around in great variety for over 7000 years. How were they made and how did it spread? This video will tell you!
How The Brooklyn Bridge Narrowly Escaped Never Being Built
Learn about the fascinating, but equally tragic history of the construction of Brooklyn Bridge in this engaging and educational video
19 Things to AVOID to Make Your Phone Live Longer
19 common mistakes we all make, that make our phones age quicker.
QUIZ: Do You Remember Your Basic Chemistry?
Are you ready to challenge yourself in the field of basic chemistry? Let's see how you do with our basic chemistry quiz.