What am i riddle

Current, serious, steady, or fast, It can also be either painful or beautiful, And sometimes it can forever last. What is it?
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I have wings, but I'm no bird. I have a bow and arrow, but I'm not Robin Hood. I'm a Roman god, but I'm not Jupiter. I look like a toddler, but I need no diaper. My image expresses love, but I'm not a heart. Who am I?
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I come in many shades: red, pink, yellow, orange, or white; but I'm not a crayon. I'm fragrant, but I'm not perfume. People put me in water, but I'm not dirty laundry. I have a stem, but I'm not a wine glass. People gift me on Valentine's day, but I'm not a stuffed animal. What am I?
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Iโ€™m tiny but quite expensive. But when you use me, all I do is hang and sparkle. What Valentineโ€™s Day gift am I?
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Who marries many times but always remains single?
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You'll see two of me at every wedding, but I am not a person. What am I?
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I connect two people, but I touch only one. What am I?
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I have no finish line in sight, but you can break me. Once you have me, you are bound for life. What am I?
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I am another word for love, and I consist of nine letters. I rhyme with selection and perfection. What am I?
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I can make you happy, I can make you cry. I can make you want me, but I can also drive people to madness. What am I?
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When I'm lost, I hurt the most, as well as when not had at all. Iโ€™m often hard to express and easy to ignore. You can give me to just one person, or to many. What am I?
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I can be clogged, and I can break. I can be given but also kept. I can be crushed or be made whole. What am I?
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From that which comes within itself, It builds its table on my shelf. What is it?
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I wiggle and I cannot see, Sometimes I'm underground, and at times on a tree. I really don't want to end up on a hook, I turn into a person when combined with a book. What am I?
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I have legs but rarely walk. I bite many but never talk. I search for places that can hide me, Because those that feed me also hate me. What am I?
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I have around 5,000 feathers and I'm a bird native to America. People say Benjamin Franklin wanted me to be the national bird of the United States. What am I?
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I always sleep with my shoes on. What am I?
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I stash treasures in the ground, And dig them out in winter. You can find me in a tree, Nibbling on my nutty dinner. What am I?
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I have a duck's bill, a beaver's tail, webbed feet, and I lay eggs. What am I?
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I have no arms and legs. I crawl on my belly, and I have a lethal sting. When I go to sleep, I curl into a ring but I leave my eyes open wide. What am I?
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I live on a farm and Iโ€™m pink. I'm famous for saying โ€œoink...oink.โ€ Come near me, and youโ€™ll realize I stink. What am I?
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My arms are longer than my legs, and I can be taught sign language to communicate with humans. What am I?
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I grow down as I grow up. What am I?
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Sneaky as a shadow in the dead of night, Cunning but affectionate if given a bite. Never owned but often loved. What am I?
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I'm grey, but I'm no wolf, I have long ears, but I'm not a rabbit, I have hooves, but I'm not a cow. What am I?
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I'm a pet with cute ears, four legs, and a tail at the end. You surely heard me barking. I'm known as man's best friend. What am I?
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Throughout the day I rest and sleep. At night, I fly and hunt. I have no feathers on my wings, Nor do I chirp or grunt. What am I?
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I am named after the animal I eat. What am I?
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I may be small, but I can climb a tower. What am I?
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Iโ€™m not a superhero, but I have a cape. I have a comb, but I don't use it on my hair, and I am famously territorial. What am I?
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