My first letter is in window but not in pane.
My second's in road but not in lane.
My third is in oval but not in round.
My fourth is in hearing but not in sound.
My whole is known as a sign of peace.
And from Noah's Ark, I won quick release.
What am I?
Oh, how I love my dancing feet!
They stay together - oh so neat.
And when I want to walk a line,
They all stay together and do double time.
I count them up, ten times or more,
And race on-off, across the floor.
It's small but larger than a bee,
And agile as a flea.
It hums but does not buzz,
And it's not covered with fuzz.
It is a small collector
Or juicy flower nectar,
What is it?
I have no sword, I have no spear,
Yet rule a horde that many fear,
My soldiers fight with a wicked sting,
I rule with might, yet I'm no king.
What am I?