Short riddle

Alive without breath, as cold as death. All in mail never clinking. Never thirsty, ever drinking. What am I?
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Born in water, I drown in water. A blood-thirsty beast you can barely see. What am I?
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I have a face like a tree and skin like the sea. A great beast I am, yet small vermin frighten me. What am I?
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I create my lair with earthen string, And dispatch my prey with a biting sting. What am I?
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I had no father, only a grandfather... I shall bear no sons, only daughters. What am I?
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I plow and plow but never sow. What am I?
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I have four legs but no tail. Usually, I am heard only at night. What am I?
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What is that which, while it lives, constantly changes its habit, That is buried before it is dead, and whose tomb is valued wherever it is found?
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My first letter is in window but not in pane. My second's in road but not in lane. My third is in oval but not in round. My fourth is in hearing but not in sound. My whole is known as a sign of peace. And from Noah's Ark, I won quick release. What am I?
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A prickly house a little host contains. The pointed weapons keep back from pains, So he, unarmed, safe in his fort remains. Who is he?
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What can honk without a horn?
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I am an insect, and the first part of my name is another insect. What insect am I?
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Oh, how I love my dancing feet! They stay together - oh so neat. And when I want to walk a line, They all stay together and do double time. I count them up, ten times or more, And race on-off, across the floor.
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I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree. And I can also weave a house That's much bigger than me. What am I?
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It can be in a hat, Or out of the bag. If you see it you'll be smitten, 'Cause it's fluffy like a mitten. What is it?
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It's small but larger than a bee, And agile as a flea. It hums but does not buzz, And it's not covered with fuzz. It is a small collector Or juicy flower nectar, What is it?
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It can be white, blue, or black, Humped or have a horn. And when it talks, it sings its minuets, As it's traveling the depths. What is it?
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I have no sword, I have no spear, Yet rule a horde that many fear, My soldiers fight with a wicked sting, I rule with might, yet I'm no king. What am I?
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The cow is my cousin. If you see my name, you'll understand why. What am I?
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What has armor but is not a knight, Snaps but is not a twig, And is always at home Even on the move?
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If a man could carry my burden, he would break his back. I am not rich, but leave silver in my track. What am I?
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I hang upside-down on trees. I'm the opposite of busy bees. I sleep and sleep, I'm very slow, and on each foot I have three toes. What am I?
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You say "hey." I'll eat it. I say "neigh." What am I?
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My start goes on toast, and my end's how birds move. My baby eats leaves, whereas I drink flowers.
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Cupid without a bow. Donner with no kebab. One who dances, one who prances, all dragging present-giving dad. What am I?
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I've got a hole in my back and legs I lack. I live where I can’t breathe and I eat without teeth. What am I?
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When I walk, I jump, and when I stand, I sit. What animal am I?
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I peel like an onion yet remain whole. Which mystery creature am I?
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I walk on silken strings and catch all sorts of things. When you find my home, I am gone. What am I?
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I’m the only known mammal incapable of jumping. That's because I'm very large. What animal am I?
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