A magician is standing on a concrete floor holding a raw egg with his hand outstretched.
Without the aid of any other objects, he is able to drop the egg 2 feet without breaking its shell.
How did he do it?
A businessman buys a horse for $10 and sells it for $20. He then buys the same horse for $30 and sells it for $40.
How much has the businessman earned in these 2 deals?
A woman from New York married ten different men from that city, yet she did not break any laws. None of these men died, and she never divorced. How was this possible?
The barber of Seville shaves all men living in Seville.
No man living in Seville is allowed to shave himself.
The barber lives in Seville.
Who then shaves the barber of Seville?
A new medical building containing 100 offices had just been completed. Mark was hired to paint the numbers 1 to 100 on the doors. How many times will Mark have to paint the number nine?
Take two numbers, such that the square of the first, plus the square of the second, shall equal 8; while the first, plus the product of the first and second, shall equal 6. What are the two numbers?