Black Riddles

Four golfers named Mr. Black, Mr. White, Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue were competing in a tournament. The caddie didn't know their names, so he asked them. One of them, Mr. Brown, told a lie. The 1st golfer said "The 2nd Golfer is Mr. Black." The 2nd golfer said "I am not Mr. Blue!" The 3rd golfer said "Mr. White? That's the 4th golfer." And the 4th golfer remained silent. Which one of the golfers is Mr. Blue?
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I am white and I am black. I am not fat because I need to be fast. I confuse many people with my style. What am I?
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Whatโ€™s black and white and read all over?
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What's black when you get it, red when you use it and white when you're done with it?
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