12 Can You Guess WHAT I AM Riddles

What am I? I could be a chair, a mountain, a dog or some sky. For these riddles, the answer is always SOMETHING. Not to be confused with 'someone'! So, to answer these riddles, you'll have to crack the object (or animal) in question!

I have lakes but no water. I have streets no cars. I have many places and borders, but I'm in one piece. What am I?
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If you hit me hard, I might crack. But you'll never stop me from staring back. What am I?
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I belong in the month of December, but not in any other month. I am not a holiday either. What am I?
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I come once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years. What am I?
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I am always in you and sometimes on you. If I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?
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I do not live, but I grow; I have no lungs, but I need air; I have no mouth, but water kills me. What am I?
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You can hear me and control me, but never see me or touch me. What am I?
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I protect, I stand tall. The reason for my existence is to strike fear in all. What am I?
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You can catch me easily, especially around Christmas, but you can never throw me. What am I?
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Those who make me are likely to break me, what am I?
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No matter how little or how much you use me every day, you change me every month. What am I?
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I am tall when I'm young and short when I'm old. I can brighten your day, unless it's windy. What am I?
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