50 Riddles From the Animal Kingdom

Animals are some of the best things to be riddled on, because their riddles are often both amusing and interesting. In this collection, we bring you 50 cute, funny and challenging riddles to test your riddle mettle. Are you ready for the animal kingdom?

I feed on leaves from treetops but my feet never leave the earth. What am I?
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I have no arms and legs. I crawl on my belly, and I have a lethal sting. When I go to sleep, I curl into a ring but I leave my eyes open wide. What am I?
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I sizzle like bacon, but I hatched from an egg, I expand when I eat, and I have no legs. What am I?
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What happens when you're shaving a looney sheep?
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I'm the opposite of a dog, but I'm not a god. I move my tail when I'm mad and growl when I'm pleased. What am I?
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What do you call a cow sucked up by a tornado?
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Why did the silly dog swim down the rapids?
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You've got a sack of corn, a chicken, and a fox. You have to cross a river, but you can only carry them one at a time. If you leave the chicken with the sack of corn, the chicken will eat the corn. If you leave the fox alone with the chicken, the fox will eat the bird. How can you get all three things across the river safely?
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I always sleep with my shoes on. What am I?
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I grow down as I grow up. What am I?
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A cat can jump up to 6 and a half meters. There is a window 3 feet away from the floor, but the feline can’t jump through it. Why?
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Why is it so difficult for the leopard to hide?
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I have legs but rarely walk. I bite many but never talk. I search for places that can hide me, Because those that feed me also hate me. What am I?
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This is a type of animal Known for its long face. It's very good at running So people ride it in a race.
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A raven, a monkey, and a squirrel are all racing to the top of a coconut tree. Which animal will get the banana?
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I grow from egg to fish to creature. I burp when I talk and I jump when as I walk. What am I?
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My first letter is in sea but not in ocean, The second is in change but not in motion. My third letter in boat but never in ship, And the fourth is in travel as well as in trip. The fifth letter is in dark but not in caves, And my whole is a triangle popping up from the waves. What am I?
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I stash treasures in the ground, And dig them out in winter. You can find me in a tree, Nibbling on my nutty dinner. What am I?
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My arms are longer than my legs, and I can be taught sign language to communicate with humans. What am I?
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I wiggle and I cannot see, Sometimes I'm underground, and at times on a tree. I really don't want to end up on a hook, I turn into a person when combined with a book. What am I?
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What did the duck say to the rooster as he dared him to a fight?
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1 duck saw 4 elephants as it was going toward the river. Every elephant noticed 2 monkeys going to the river. Every monkey was carrying 1 dove in its paws. How many animals are going to the river?
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A man is sitting in a small house with 4 walls. All of the walls are facing south. There is a bear lurking near the house. What color is the bear?
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Why did the fish blush?
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My first letter is in follow but not in lead, and the second is in write but not in read. My third letter is in sky but not in cloud, my fourth is in humble but not in proud. My all makes circles in a bowl, or lies on a plate cooked up whole. What am I?
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What do you call several identical parakeets sitting at the edge of a roof?
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Imagine the following: you are walking through the woods and a huge bear is going to attack you. You are running for your dear life, but he is getting closer and closer... How can you escape from the bear?
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What did the aardvark ask the taxi driver?
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What do you call a cow spying on another cow?
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I am always black and white But I'm not an old TV I'm a kind of animal That begins with the letter Z Who am I?
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I have around 5,000 feathers and I'm a bird native to America. People say Benjamin Franklin wanted me to be the national bird of the United States. What am I?
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What do you call a three-humped camel?
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What goes tick-tock, bow-wow, tick-tock, bow-wow?
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My first letter is in cloud, but never in sky. The second is in roll but not in lie, My third letter is in water but not in trees. My whole makes you milk, kefir, and cheese. What am I?
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I have a duck's bill, a beaver's tail, webbed feet, and I lay eggs. What am I?
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Two silkworms started a fight. How did it end?
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I often join you at parties and holidays, but I never get to enjoy them. What am I?
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What steps must you take when you notice a tiger running toward you?
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I live on a farm and I’m pink. I'm famous for saying “oink...oink.” Come near me, and you’ll realize I stink. What am I?
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I go to school all my life, and I never leave the water, even though I breathe air. What am I?
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What lives in a tiny house all alone?
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I may be small, but I can climb a tower. What am I?
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The dog was wearing a 2-foot leash. When he saw a squirrel, he immediately started chasing it, and he was really able to catch the squirrel. How did the dog succeed?
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What is the first animal in space?
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You enter a room and notice a bed. There are 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 goat, 4 crows, and a goose on the bed. In addition, 3 sparrows are flying around the bed. How many LEGS are there on the floor?
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I’m not a superhero, but I have a cape. I have a comb, but I don't use it on my hair, and I am famously territorial. What am I?
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Why did the chicken, the turkey, the goose, and the pigeon get in trouble?
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I have got a crown like a king, but I'm a disgrace when I sing. There are fewer eyes on my face than my tail, but only when I'm a male. What am I?
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What animal can lend you a buck?
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From that which comes within itself, It builds its table on my shelf. What is it?
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