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The Monopoly Personality Game

Everyone knows Monopoly – the classic board game centered around buying and selling real estate. It's a simulation of the business world, and players have many significant choices to make throughout, but the first one is selecting a game piece. This might not seem like an important decision, but the piece you choose to represent you can say a lot about who you are and your financial behavior. So let's put this to the test. Choose the game piece you'd like to play Monopoly with, and we'll tell you who you are, what your personality is like, and how you handle investments and the financial world.


If you chose the thimble, it shows that you have a relatively traditional approach and are a very practical person. You have the ability to appreciate the small, good things in life that many overlook, contributing to stability and a healthy routine. You are meticulous, pay attention to details, and might also be drawn to creative activities, particularly sewing, which the thimble reminds you of. When it comes to money, you prefer safe, long-term investments over taking risks that might yield high returns quickly but could also cause you to lose everything rapidly. You prefer knowing your future is stable over spreading yourself thin in the present.


People who choose the wheelbarrow are those who are not afraid of hard work. As such, you are very determined to achieve your goals. You don't fear responsibility or challenges, and this is evident in almost every aspect, as within your family and social circle, you are the one everyone relies on during tough times. You have a connection to nature and the land, and you prefer working outside rather than indoors. In your life, you try to develop smart and efficient financial strategies, and you prefer investments that require your attention and involvement but will yield more than if you hadn't.


A person who chooses the boot as their Monopoly game piece is often an adventurer with mental strength. You value a sense of independence and are willing to face any challenge that comes your way. You love to travel and explore new places, whether physically or mentally and within your own psyche. You may appear tough on the outside, but inside you have a big heart with plenty of room for family and friends, whom you love deeply. When it comes to finances, you are not afraid to opt for less conventional opportunities that can bring you income, such as starting a new business in a field you might not have had direct experience with. Luckily, you have the brain and ability to create innovative strategies that will help you succeed, and you won't let obstacles lower your motivation.

Dog (Scott Terrier)

Choosing the dog indicates that you are a loyal friend and an honest person. You enjoy the company of others and are aware of the importance of the many and varied relationships in your life. You have a strong instinct to protect the people you love and also a playful side that knows how to enjoy and be silly when life allows it. You are very conservative when it comes to money and prefer safe investments that have stood the test of time and proven themselves because you feel the need to understand all the rules before you enter the game. This is to develop the right strategy for success – you prefer to play it safe.

Race Car

If you chose the race car, it shows us that you are an energetic person who loves life. You have a competitive streak, and nothing excites you more than a period where you are overcoming challenges one after another and rising higher and higher on your success ladder without slowing down. To succeed and achieve this, you need complete freedom, partly to break your own boundaries. When it comes to finances, you are a person who does not fear bold decisions and will do everything to surpass your competitors. In the field of investments, this leads to a lot of volatility, so you need to try to maintain as much stability as possible and beware of overly rash investments.


Those who choose the iron are usually a methodical and thorough people who prefer stability above all else. If you chose the iron, you need your life to be organized and orderly, and for that, you need a harmonious work environment, whether at home or in the office. You feel the need to "iron out the wrinkles" in your life, so you prefer to deal with problems as soon as they arise and remove them calmly rather than waiting for them to create a mess that's hard to control. When it comes to money, it's important to know exactly where you stand, what your budget is, and how you will systematically increase it. You prefer a steady income over a one-time, large, and risky profit. Luckily, you have a lot of patience, and you know how to plan several steps ahead, which is definitely to your advantage.

Top Hat

If you are a man, you are a dapper individual who cares about looking aesthetic, and if you are a woman, it shows that you have the character of a noble lady. You know there's no second chance at a first impression, so you plan your actions carefully before executing them, whether in the business world or your personal goals. You also have a lot of charisma and might be a slightly dramatic and theatrical person who enjoys taking on leading roles – you are not afraid of the spotlight. Therefore, you are suited to leading others, and people are eager to follow you because of your impressive character. When it comes to investments, you are drawn to those that not only yield a good return but also confer a certain status and prestige, so you are likely to take some risks as long as you believe they will pay off if successful. Luckily, you have negotiation skills that will help you get exactly what you want.


You are a strong person with a commanding presence who is not afraid of challenges. You might also have a keen interest in history, learning not just about the past but also about the future. You tend to learn from others' mistakes rather than waiting to learn only from your own, a wise approach that protects you from severe downfalls. This provides a safety net that helps you protect not only yourself but also your loved ones, and when needed, you will fight for them with all your might. You don't take your eyes off your goals, both short-term and long-term, so you prefer to make financial investments in both directions rather than relying on just one. You will also protect your assets as you move forward and ensure you don't suffer losses, and anyone who tries to stand in your way and bring you down will face defeat themselves, as you are not someone to be messed with or opposed.
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