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Quickie Personality Test: Choose a Bed, Any Bed...

A bed is used for sleeping – that’s obvious – but the bed you prefer to sleep on can tell a lot about you. It starts with the material it’s made of, continues with the color and shade of the sheets, and includes, of course, its design and what surrounds it. All these can affect your feeling in the bed, and it's clear that you’ll prefer to sleep in a bed that feels like it’s a part of you. So let’s find out who you are based on the bed you choose to sleep on. We’ve prepared 6 different beds, one of which will surely suit your taste – choose where you'd want to sleep and discover what it says about you.
Click on the bed you would like to sleep in

Luxurious bed

What your bed choice says about you: Luxurious bed
You are someone who believes that the greatest pleasure in life is living lavishly without feeling guilty about it. You enjoy treating yourself to good things, from gourmet meals to 5-star hotels, and you see no reason to settle for anything less than what you feel you deserve, given your comfort and style. You are also driven by great ambitions and tend to set high standards for excellence. Some people would describe you as elegant, and they wouldn’t be wrong, because that’s exactly the image you wish to project. You love pampering yourself at the spa and buying new designer clothes, and you take great pride in who you are, because there’s nothing to be ashamed of – you always present the best version of yourself to the world.

Minimalist bed

What your bed choice says about you: Minimalist bed
You are someone who values efficiency above all, without frills, clutter, or distractions – everything has a clear purpose. This is a life approach you carry with you in everything you do, whether it’s choosing your clothes, your work, or even your relationships. You prefer quality over quantity and believe that everything should be done at its best, or not done at all. Other people admire your discipline and your ability to ignore distractions, as you can stay calm and collected as long as you know your goal and the way to achieve it. You are not the kind of person who needs material things to be happy – you know how to find happiness in the good moments in life. In fact, the less you have but the more meaningful it is to you, the happier you are.

Nature bed

What your bed choice says about you: Nature bed
You are deeply connected to nature and live in harmony with your surroundings. Whether it's your daily routine or your home design, it’s very important to you to maintain environmental sustainability, recycle, and ensure that everything has a role and purpose, even if others see it as unnecessary waste. You make sure to buy healthy food, and in general, it's important to you to stay healthy. This comes quite naturally because you enjoy healthy activities like walking in nature, cycling, and gardening. You might also connect more with spiritual things than other people, like yoga, for instance, because they help you stay calm in the stressful and pressuring world we live in. Honesty is very important to you, and you reflect that in your behavior, but you would be happy if others were more like you in this regard.

Covered bed

What your bed choice says about you: Covered bed
You are a romantic soul who loves the idea of escaping into another world, full of fantasy and wonder. You are not averse to luxury, but only if it supports other things that are more important to you, like the ability to snuggle up with a good book in a setting that makes the reading experience nothing short of perfect. You have a high appreciation for beauty and art, so you will choose to design your home in a way that reflects your personal taste – it would be very hard for you to live in a home that doesn’t match your design preferences. People are drawn to your gentle and creative spirit, and you have a charisma that stands out to everyone who meets you. In essence, you are a magical and special person who brings a sense of wonder wherever you are.

Wave bed

What your bed choice says about you: Wave bed
You are not afraid to break routines and conventions, and in fact, you tend to shy away from following what society dictates or considers proper. You are an adventurous person who likes to have fun with life, and you might wish to live in a different time than the present – either the past or the future. You have a unique style that doesn’t fit everyone, and you’re not afraid to show it, because you’re the type of person with no limits – if something excites you, you’ll go for it, and surprise everyone with the results and achievements you reach. People are drawn to you because of your free and spontaneous nature, and it’s always fun to go on vacation with you, as it’s known that being with you is never boring. You are an exciting person who opens up to life, and being around you helps others to relax a little themselves.

Hammock bed

What your bed choice says about you: Hammock bed
You are the definition of calm. There isn’t a trace of stress in you, and you probably don’t even know the meaning of the word, because you have no problem going with the flow – whatever comes, comes. You live your life day by day, without planning too far ahead, and simply do what feels right in the moment, with the main goal being to enjoy it. People are attracted to your calm nature and the positive energy you radiate, because it’s easy to feel more relaxed around you. If there’s an opportunity for adventure, you’ll take it, but not with excessive enthusiasm, rather with calm and openness – you’re someone who mostly says “yes” to whatever life has to offer. The beauty of it is that you don’t need much to be happy, and what matters most to you is a good atmosphere, joyful friends, and a nice place to relax. If you have that, everything is simply perfect for you.
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