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Do You Know All of These Unusual Fruits and Vegetables?

Most of us stick to the trusty basics when it comes to our fruits and vegetables. After all, we get the majority of the vitamins and nutrients we need from staple foods like apples, berries, and avocados. That being said, it’s sometimes nice to step out of our comfort zone and enjoy more exotic and unusual fruits and vegetables, or at least to know how they look like.

In previous articles, we’ve told you about several tropical fruit and vegetables, as well as their health benefits, but this time we challenge you to show us how well you know your exotic fruit and veg from around the world. You will see a picture of the fruit or vegetable and a short description of it above, and your task is to guess its name. To reveal the answer, simply click on each image and see if you got it right. Good luck!
1. These tangy and sweet fruits are protected by transparent leaves and they’re also known as Poha berries
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2. This vibrant fruit is similar to kiwi and it comes in many vibrant colors
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3. Native to Central America, this fruit is super healthy and it tastes like chocolate pudding!
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4. This fruit is very popular in Thailand and it’s said to have many health benefits, but it’s banned in the USA
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5. Properly called ‘carambola’, this peculiarly-shaped fruit is more widely-known under a different name
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6. These bitter-tasting spiky melons are used in Indian and Chinese cuisine, and they are said to lower blood pressure
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7. Enjoyed as a healthy snack in China and Japan, this alien-looking delicacy comes from a famous flower
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8. These tart and sour fruit look like miniature watermelons and they are often used to replace cucumbers
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9. A cousin of lychee, this creamy and sweet fruit that comes from Southeast Asia is covered by soft spikes
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10. Not to be confused with artichokes, these vegetables have a nutty taste and are actually a relative of the potato and should be prepared accordingly
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11. This fruit may look more like a squid than a fruit, but it’s a traditional Chinese New Year delicacy that is believed to bring wealth and happiness
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12. A relative of kale, cabbage, and broccoli, this turnip-looking vegetable is often used in soups and salads across Europe, although it’s native to India
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13. This fruit is said to taste like almonds and custard, but it’s banned to eat in public in many Asian countries because of its strong and offputting smell
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14. Also known as the worlds most beautiful vegetable, this veggie is popular in Italy and should be cooked like broccoli
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Images Source: Laurel F, SMasters, poppet with a camera, Robert Couse-Baker, Dinesh Valke, alesh houdek, Dudva

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