
Overnight Pickles With Dill

Pickles are a classic condiment, and one of our personal favorites! The major advantage of these yummy refrigerator pickles is their speed of preparation. Compared to traditional pickles, this recipe is quite quick and easy to make.

Prep Time 2 hours
Serves: 8
Difficulty Level: Low
Overnight Pickles With Dill
Ingredients for Fridge Pickles With Dill:
Cucumbers - 3 large (thinly sliced)
Yellow onion - 1 (thinly sliced)
Salt - 2 tsp.
Granulated sugar - 1/2 cup
Dill - 2-3 tbsp. (coarsely chopped)
Bay leaf - 1
Peppercorns - 4-5
Method of preparing the Fridge Pickles With Dill:
  1. In a large bowl, combine the cucumbers, the onions, and the salt, making sure that the vegetables are well coated in salt. Cover the bowl with parchment paper and place a plate on top to weigh down the cucumbers. Set aside for 24 hours.
  2. Transfer the cucumber and onion mix to a colander or sieve and let the liquids drain for 15 minutes. Then return the vegetables into the bowl, adding the sugar, the vinegar and the dill. Mix to coat the vegetables.
  3. Pack the mixture into a sterilized 34-oz jar, adding enough of the vinegar brine to cover the cucumbers. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.
  4. Store the dill pickles in the fridge for 1 month maximum.
Source: Bbc.co.uk
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