
Salsa Rice

This delicious salsa rice is super easy to make and needs just 4 ingredients. You can have it as a light snack or add it to any main dish during dinner time. It's also great if you are looking for a spicy and exciting dinner at the end of a tiring day. Serve it alongside our oven chicken drumsticks or the crusty calamari

Prep Time 15 minutes
Serves: 4
Difficulty Level: Low
Salsa Rice Image Source: Cooktoria
Ingredients for Salsa Rice:
Basmati rice - 1 1/2 cups
Salsa - 2 cups
Vegetable broth - 3 cups
Butter - 1/3 stick
Method of preparing the Salsa Rice:
  1. Add the basmati rice, followed by the salsa and veggie broth in a large pot. Give it a good stir and bring to boil. Reduce the heat, cover, and let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes. Keep stirring occasionally.
  2. Add the butter after turning off the heat. Cover the pot again with a tight lid. Allow it to rest for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir again. Make sure that everything is well combined. Serve hot. Add lime slice for garnish.
Source: Cooktoria
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