
Brazilian Brigadeiros 

This Brazilian confection is believed to have been invented in the mid-1940s, as part of Eduardo Gomes' presidential candidacy campaign. Gomes was a Brigadier- a military man- running for the presidency. One of his supporters, Heloisa Nabuco de Oliveira, invented and sold this treat, and named it after Gomes. While the confection soon became popular and remained so until today, Gomes never won the elections.

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Prep Time 2 hours
Serves: 10
Difficulty Level: Low
Brazilian Brigadeiros  Image Source: Flickr
Ingredients for chocolate balls:
Butter - 1 tbsp.
Cocoa powder - 3 1/2 oz plus more
Method of preparing the chocolate balls:
  1. Microwave the condensed milk and butter for 45 seconds. Sift in the cocoa powder mix well.
  2. Refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours in cling wrap.
  3. Cut into small squares, sprinkle with cocoa powder and shape into balls. 
  4. For decoration, you can roll them in some more cocoa powder, grated chocolate, or chocolate sprinkles. 
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