What Kind of Cat Hides Within You?

Cats come in a variety of sizes, colors and types, and each with their own personality. What's certain is that each of them is adorable, even when it's a huge cat that can roar. Some say cats are just little furry people trapped in a cat's body. Do cats reflect people? What kind of cat reflects you? Answer our questions to find out!
Cat sleeping in sunlight
1 of 12
What is your favorite thing to do in the morning?
Planning my day, step by step
Having a work meeting at a coffee shop
Breakfast with the family
Lie in bed and sleep for a few more minutes
Having breakfast with friends
cat licking its nose near milk bowl
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The lunch you brought to work has gone missing, what do you do?
Gather everyone and declare I will not let this pass
Buy myself a new lunch
Put a large sign on the fridge so it doesn't happen again
Challenge all co-workers until I find the culprit
Walk around the office and see who is eating my food
Cat eating ice cream
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What face applies to you best when you're hungry?
Cat looking at camera
cat against a fence
tired cat
cat with eyes closed
cay lying on the grass
cat sleeping in a bird's nest
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Where would you prefer spending time?
In bed at home
Neighbourhood park
At work in front of my screen
On the sofa at home
On a street bench
cat in front of laptop
Wilson Afonso / wikipedia
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You were just told you got your dream occupation, what do you do?
cat yelling
surprised cat
cat lying on bed
cat enjoying petting
Cat looking up
sad cat
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Your employer comes and berates you for a mistake you made. What will you do?
I'll have a lot to say, but I'll keep it to myself
Be disappointined in myself, maybe even cry
Argue and try to prove my innocence
Will stand by what I did, but accept the consequences
Admit my mistake
Smiling cat
Saving Public Ryan / wikipedia
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Try and guess what got the cat in the photo to look like this...
He saw a good friend
Just got a new bed
Just beat another cat in a fight
Just got his dinner
He met a cute girl cat and fell in love
Man holding tiny kitty
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What does your face look like when you are looking down at someone?
cat with head tilted
yawning cat
winking cat
cat pushing its head forward
cat looking directly at camera
Cat jumping on another cat
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Your spouse came back late at night without telling you, how will you handle it?
Get angry and shout
Try to contact a shared friend to see if they know
Ignore them for a week
Act like it's no big deal
Ask directly where they were
Cat looking to the sky
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If you could get a super power, which would it be?
The power of flight
Be immortal
Be invisible
The ability to remove some people from my life
The power to create world peace
cat looks like it's talking on the phone
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What do you prefer doing with your free time
Having a discussion with someone whose opinion I value
Going to a party of a celebration
Getting tanned in the sun
Reading a good book
Enhance my abilities or learn a new one
cat wrapped in a towel
Sergey Rodovnichenko / flickr
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It's a cold day today, what will you wear?
Big fluffy slippers
Woolly scarf
Nothing special, just put the heating on
Big sweater
A nice wool hat
Aloof Cat
Cat licking its paw
A relaxed, calm and self assured cat hides inside you. You have no problem expressing your opinion and confronting... READ MORE
Social Cat
cay lying on its back
Inside you is a cat who loves to be pampered. You're everyone's best friend, and you can usually be found among people... READ MORE
Hunting Cat
A big, wild cat is hiding inside you, keeping its eye on the prize. People notice you when you walk into a room, and... READ MORE
Shy Cat
Hiding cat
A little shy cat hides inside you, enjoying its safe corner and looking quietly at the world. You tend to stay home a... READ MORE
Warrior Cat
angry cat
Inside you hides a cat who is unafraid of biting and scratching. You are a strong, opinionated person, and those who... READ MORE
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