Find Out Who You Are by How You Communicate

The way we communicate with our environment is probably the most influential factor in how others relate to us and to our social life in general. There are people who are known as great talkers, some prefer to cut straight to the point and some people will always be the center of attention because of their great communication skills. Each of these communication styles includes several advantages and disadvantages, and can also reveal details about that person's personality. If you are curious about what your communication style is and what it reveals about your personality, you’re welcome to answer the following questions and find out for yourself.
Personality Test: Dinner
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Where can you be found at a party or similar social events?
At the heart of the party, next to all my friends and strangers I just met
Jumping from conversation to conversation handing out business cards to everyone
In a corner of the room engaged in a deep conversation with one person
At the door, waiting for the right moment to leave
Personality test: office meeting room
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You have an important work meeting tomorrow, what is the most likely scenario?
I'll get there on time and get mad at anyone who comes late
I'll sneak into the conference room quietly because I'm a few minutes late
I'll be there early so that I'll have time to prepare for the meeting and greet everyone who comes into the room
I’ll arrive just on time and begin to deal with the subject of the meeting
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Which of the following rooms would you like to add to your home?
Personality test: a Computer room
flickr/PROBrett Morrison
Personality test: a game room
Personality Test: A Theater
Personality Test: A library
Personality Test: A person in front of the sunset
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What is your most prominent and powerful characteristic?
The ability to persist
Stubbornness and assertiveness
A developed imagination
Compassion and understanding
Personality test: cat and mirror
flickr/Christian Holm?r
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How would you describe yourself?
Witty and intelligent
Sensitive and reliable
Logical and economical
Creative and passionate
Personality test: A woman on a crossroads
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Which of the following is most appealing to you?
Participation in a big event of a lifetime
Revealing a hidden secret behind a complex mystery
A firm business initiative involving a calculated risk
Creating a strong social bond that will last for many years
Personality Test: Handshake
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Meeting new people...
Fills me with energy and joy of life
Creates a feeling of discomfort that I am not ashamed of expressing
Is always exciting and thrilling to me
Is not something I like so I avoid it
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Which animal do you connect with most?
Personality Test: Eagle
Personality Test: Dog
Personality Test: Elephant
Personality Test: Lion
Personality Test: Teamwork
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When working on a group project, what is most important to you?
A clear and orderly division of labor
An enjoyable and exciting work process for everyone
The integrity of the relationship between the members of the group
Order and organization to help complete the project successfully
Personality test: A person with a question mark on their face
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How do you think other people perceive you?
As a person with aspirations who is willing to work hard
As a gentle and cooperative person
As an enthusiastic and creative person
As a focused and efficient person
Personality test: laptop and coffee cup
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When you get to work in the morning....
I say good morning to everyone
I tell everyone about the amazing things that happened to me over the past days
I check everyone's work status and start taking care of all my tasks
You can’t talk to me before my first cup of coffee
Your communication style is: The storyteller
Personality test: A woman speaking in front of an audience
Kevan Goff-Parker
Just like all the great storytellers of the past, you can ignite the imagination of the people who listen to you, sweep... READ MORE
Your communication style is: The socialite
Personality test: Beer on the beach
You are a person whose heart has a great love for the world and that is evident and appreciated by anyone who talks to... READ MORE
Your communication style is: The director
Personality Test: Clapper
Like a Hollywood director known on the set of their new film, you also aim for a definite final outcome and don’t shy... READ MORE
Your communication style is: The surgeon
Just like a surgeon, you also function best under clear order and logic, where the facts are what you really care about... READ MORE
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