Decipher Art.. And Yourself.

Art is an incredible notion. We are constantly debating about what art is, what isn't, what is good art that we love, and what is bad art we hate. Art invokes emotions, thoughts, sensations. They provoke our sense of beauty while tickling at our sense of curiosity and spirituality. The way we interpret art, therefore, says a lot about the way we think and process information. Each of us may have their own interpretation. We'd like you to interpret for us the next 10 paintings. You will need to select the answer closest to your own interpretation. Once you have, we may have some interesting things to tell you...
1 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
A Woman frustrated with her life
Mermaid washed up on the beach
A simplified description the loneliness that comes with complete freedom
Woman disappointed by the day she chose to get a tan
Christian Satin
2 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
This is an alien invasion happening at the furthest points of the universe
This is what our life looks like in this corporate world
Life would be very boring if everyone acted the same
Not everyone sees life the same, even if they pretend to
הרבה ציורים שונים של תרבות ערב, הכוללים איש עם כובע מסורתי, אישה בבורקה, ילדה קטנה, גמלים וצורות גיאומטריות
3 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
Mysterious sights happening in the magical desert
Events from daily life in Egypt
Describing exciting adventures at a distant land
Describing ancient cultures and traditions
אב ואם מחזיקים בתינוק, ומאחוריהם אדם ערום מושיט את ידיו לצדדים ועליו נופל אור כחול. מאחוריו גבר זרוק על מדרגות ואישה מתייפחת
Giuseppe Antonio Lomuscio
4 of 10
Which of these titles would you give this painting?
Romance and tragedy go hand in hand
The circle of life and death
Spirits and souls continue to escort us forever
The story of Jesus Christ's life
גוף ערום של אישה בתוך כדור בדולח גדול שבתוכו מתפרשים ענפים
5 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
Alien coming into the universe looking like a young woman
So beauty gives life to this world
A symbol of the miracle of birth
A description of life in our world
נגני תזמורת באומנות מופשטת
AB Artist Manage
6 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
Music empowers the senses
The nightmare of a conductor
Describing the passionate life of an artist
A colorful description of some kind of urban festival
אנשים עומדים על החוף, חלקם ערומים, בעוד שאחרים משחקים במים. לצדם יש אדם בסירה, וברקע מפעל שמעלה עשן בארובותיו
7 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
Children enjoying life near a river
Criticizing the bad air pollution our children are exposed to
Curious onlookers witness the ship going on advenure
Children risking swimming in the river unaware of the ship approaching
ציור מופשט של אישה עפה באוויר
8 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
There is a powerful spirit looking after us, always
A woman spreads her wings and flies to lands of imagination
The freedom to create gives us wings
We should be careful, because even when we feel the most free, there's always someone watching us.
גן מלא בעצים ונחלים, ובו אדם מנסה לתת סלסילת פרחים לאישה ששוכבת על הרצפה
9 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
The suffering lover gives a basket of flowers to his hesitant lover
A basket of flowers is no gift for a young lady
Incredible happenings in the garden of the gods.
God gives us paradise and we reject it
שביל שמוביל לצריף קטנטן על ראש הר
10 of 10
Which of these interpretations of the painting makes the most sense to you?
A humble place for a person keeping alone to find new ideas
The sad existence of a person in exile
The home of a person who cares nothing for others
The house of a loner who is trying to contact supernatural forces
You have a passionate personality
The aesthetic interpretations you chose are evidence you have a passionate, energetic personality. Whatever you do in... READ MORE
You have an idealistic personality
The aesthetic interpretations you chose indicate that you are an idealist, bent on changing the world if you could. In... READ MORE
You have a calculating personality
The aesthetic interpretations you chose indicate that you have a calculated and analytical personality. Anything you go... READ MORE
You have an imaginative personality
The aesthetic interpretations you chose indicate that you have a wild imagination and a highly creative personality... READ MORE
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