Is your vocabulary rusty, or are you an avid reader, always perfecting your lexicon? Nothing better than a quick English language challenge to test the old vocabulary and see if it still works properly! Join us for a round of 'Find the Synonym!'
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Find the synonym among the words below.
Perhaps Try Again?
Not the best attempt, unfortunately, as you only got a few questions right. How about resting a bit, making sure your tummy is full and trying again?
Great Job!
You definitely have a decent vocabulary and enough understanding of the meaning of these words to find the proper synonyms. That said, you didn't discover all of them, so there is still room for you to try again and get an even better score! Alternatively, click on 'show mistakes' to see where you went wrong.
Wonderful! You passed with flying colors! Good on you, obviously you have a terrific vocabulary and the smarts to understand the true meaning of the word, which is required to find the proper synonym for it. Good show!
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