Do You Get These Confusing Words Mixed Up?

A homophone is one of two or more words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings, spellings, or origins: for example, ‘new’, meaning recent or not old, and ‘knew’, the past tense form of to know, from knowledge. English is littered with so many of these perplexing homophones that it’s a wonder we ever learned how to use our language properly in the first place! Yet, some special people are able to distinguish these near-identical pairs. Are you one of the last than 10% of the population who can do so? Let’s put you to the homophone test!
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
Select the correct spelling.
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