Kerfuffle means a commotion or fuss.
Broonaut is a Dutch dessert made of nuts and figs.
The real word is COLEPORTER
Hullabaloo means the same as Kerfuffle
A Chrombiet is an arm ring made from fine metal and studded with precious stones.
Blinkstaff is a former hobo/tramp who has been rehabilitated.
The Chupacabra is a monster that sucks the blood of its prey.
Barmecide is something that is illusory or imaginary and therefore disappointing.
Petrichor is the pleasant, earthy smell after rain.
Rhapsidious is a musical review that attacks performer rather than performance.
Canorous is something that is melodious or resonant.
An Obelus is a mark (such as this †) used to make a reference in printed text.
Entrocritic is a medical patient nearing full organ failure.