Define These English Words

Are you ready for a challenge to your vocabulary? Prepare your English lexicon so we can test it! Identify and explain the following 15 rare English words...
1 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
A type of small boat
Livestock manager
Flat bread-cake
2 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
An external factor affecting a disease
A type of action movie made for men
A male benefactor
One who commits an evil act
3 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
A type of fox
A person who hunts jackals
A type of hunting knife
4 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Push violently
Criticize strongly
To sow two different garments together
A fashionable hair style in Ancient Rome
5 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Another name for moonshine
A type of rat poison
A material to clean countertops with
A pest or a bothersome person
6 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
A type of bat
A ghost that can barely be seen
A homeless person
A biscuit
7 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Make a situation worse
Take by force
Unable to rest
Resting on your elbow
8 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
An enclosure
A group of witches
The part of a bird's beak with holes for air
Split in two
9 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
A person who smiles a lot
Something said as prophecy
A material that makes you tell the truth
Something delicious
10 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Sediment found at the bottom of a drink like tea or coffee
Small tunnels in the streets that were used to collect rain water
A trash can for meat they use in slaughter shops
What is left of trees after a forest fire
11 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Breaking up a crowd of people
Pay for
12 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Looking into the future
Release from responsiblity
Mourning over someone
Catch sight of
13 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
A person who would sell anything to anyone
Having yellow or pale brown skin
A person of ill repute
Feeling sorry for yourself
14 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
Someone's personal guard
A general direction
A farmer's celebration after the first rain of the season
15 of 15
Pick the correct definition of the word.
A piece of clothing that only covers the buttocks
A hat worn by sailors
A primitive weapon made from a farming tool
An overall work by workers in the meat industry
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Rare English words do not seem to be your cup of tea. That's all fine and dandy, since we hardly use any of these words... READ MORE
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