Can You Help Us Define These Weird Words?

Are you ready for another vocabulary challenge? Scratch your head and prepare your brain and English lexicon so we can test it! Identify and explain the following 15 confusing words!
1 of 15
My brother is known to be glib. That means he...
Is goal oriented
Is enthused
Is verbose but insincere
Tries to impress people
2 of 15
If something is infinitesimal, it means it's really....
Impossible to define
3 of 15
Define "Euphemism"
A holy aura
A sudden realization
A feeling of excitement
A mild word instead of a harsh one
4 of 15
Define the word "cacophony"
A wide, open valley
A loud mixture of different sounds
A large community of different peopole
Another name for cloud formations
5 of 15
Which of these words is a synonym for the word "Epitome"?
6 of 15
How would you define "Paradox"?
Imaginary conversations
Something that is parallel to reality
Something that contains contradictory features
Supernatural occurence
7 of 15
My friend is in a quagmire. That means he's...
In a party or a large gathering
In a complex situation
A person with two lovers
8 of 15
When a person is facetious, it means that they...
Are liars
Are self-involved
Take serious things lightly
Have beautiful features
9 of 15
When something is incontrovertible, it means that it is...
Destroyed and cannot be helped
Irrevocably tragic
Out of control
Impossible to deny
10 of 15
When a person is giving a soliloquy, they are actually...
Giving an enormous gift
Expressing their emotions without speaking
Speaking their thoughts aloud
Singing a song without music
11 of 15
"The light in the forest was evanescent." What does "evanescent" mean?
Quickly fading
Existing everywhere you look
Yellow and resembling the sun
Bright and shiny
12 of 15
Define the word "hegemony"
A society where all are equal
A group of hedgehogs
Leadership by one group over another
The act of investing money
13 of 15
When someone is told they have hubris, what do we mean?
It means they are too proud
It means they have a large brain
It means they have a large head
It means they lack self-confidence
14 of 15
When we reach the zenith, we've reached...
The lowest point
The goal of our journey
The point of no return
The apex
15 of 15
What does the word "acumen" mean?
Making allegations against others
A strong odor
Keen insight
A group of men in agreement
Sorry, But That's a Fail
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Wow, where did you get that fabulous vocabulary of yours? We're viridescent with envy! You know a lot of words that no... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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