Can you find our missing synonyms for us?
Dive in, and let's see how well you know the subtleties of the English lexicon!
Is your vocabulary large enough to recognize all 13 words and their antonyms? We shall see...
Are you good at unscrambling words? You'll need to be!
Do you know how we call these animals? Let's put you to the test...
Choose the one word that ISN'T a synonym.
Is your lexicon up to scratch? Prove it by correctly choosing the definition for each of these English words.
This vocabulary quiz is going to be quite the challenge, so use your head and your memory to your full ability!
Ready to check your English? Hope you've been doing some reading...
This quiz contains 15 thoughtfully crafted questions, each designed to stretch your linguistic abilities and broaden your understanding of synonyms.
look at the word in the image and then choose the one word from the four options that is NOT an antonym.
You'll need a good vocabulary and a good head for English to succeed!