Complete the sentences using the most fitting word.
This unscramble jumble is really going to put you on your clock!
In this test, we'll give you the meaning, and you must choose the correct word.
Do you know the meaning of these beautiful English words?
Choose the word that is MOST correct for completing the sentence.
It's the same sentence... but which LANGUAGE? You tell us!
This English test attempts to guess if your accent is closer to British, American, Canadian or Australian, will we be able to guess yours?
Here's a fun English quiz that will take some vocabulary skills to ace!
This vocabulary quiz features 25 carefully chosen words, divided into five levels of escalating difficulty.
How well do you think you know the etymology of common English words? Take this quiz and you'll find out!
Are you familiar with the slang phrases of the pirate age?
All you have to do is identify that antonym!