Japanese Word Quiz

Welcome to the "Japanese Words and Their Meanings" quiz! Think you can match Japanese words to their correct meanings? This 13-question quiz will test your knowledge of common and unique words from Japanese, spanning language, culture, and everyday life. Whether you're a language enthusiast or just curious about Japanese vocabulary, you'll find a range of terms to challenge your skills. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of Japanese words—let’s see how many you can get right!
Which English word, borrowed from Japanese, refers to a style of martial arts that emphasizes "the gentle way"?
Kung Fu
Which culinary term in English, borrowed from Japanese, literally means "grilled" and refers to skewered meats?
The word "tycoon" has become a common English term for a wealthy, influential person. What did it originally mean in Japanese?
Military leader
The popular English term for raw fish slices in Japanese cuisine is "sashimi." What does "sashimi" literally translate to?
Pierced meat
Fresh catch
Thin slice
Fish filet
In English, "karaoke" refers to a form of entertainment where people sing along to recorded music. What does "karaoke" mean in Japanese?
Empty orchestra
Singing stage
Voice without sound
Empty stage
Which of these words comes from Japanese?
"Tsunami" is a word used in English to describe a massive sea wave caused by an underwater disturbance. What is the literal translation of "tsunami" in Japanese?
Earth wave
Angry Water
Harbor wave
Ocean god
"Sake" is well known as a Japanese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice. What does "sake" mean in Japanese?
Alcoholic drink
Fermented drink
Rice wine
Rice spirit
The word "bonsai" refers to the practice of cultivating miniature trees. What does "bonsai" literally translate to in English?
A dwarfed giant
Small tree
Tree in a dish
Garden in a pot
The word "Ronin" comes to us from Japanese, what does it mean?
A samurai without a master
A veteran warrior
A military genius
The highest caste of warrior
What does the word Sumo mean in Japanese?
Striking one another
Great or big
What does the Japanese word "Kawaii" mean?
A fun activity
A doll
A Japanese single-portion boxed meal, often eaten for lunch, is called...
Try Again...
Looks like Japanese vocabulary isn’t your strong suit just yet—but don’t worry, learning a new language takes time! You might not have aced this quiz, but now you’ve been introduced to some interesting Japanese words and their meanings. Why not give it another shot and try to improve your score? Keep exploring the language, and soon these terms will feel much more familiar. Ganbatte! (That’s “good luck” in Japanese!)
You Know Some Japanese!
Good job—you’ve got a solid grasp of Japanese words! While there’s still room to grow, your results show that you’re already familiar with a fair share of vocabulary. Whether you’re a casual learner or a fan of Japanese culture, you’re well on your way to expanding your understanding of the language. Keep practicing and diving deeper into the intricacies of Japanese, and you’ll be able to impress even more with your knowledge!
Japanese Speaker
Amazing! You really know your Japanese! Whether you’ve studied the language or immersed yourself in Japanese culture, your knowledge is impressive. You’ve demonstrated an excellent understanding of the vocabulary, which shows that you’re practically fluent when it comes to these words. Keep up the great work, and continue exploring the rich and beautiful language of Japan. You’re definitely ready to take your skills even further!
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