Which one of these is not a relative of broccoli?
Asparagus is the odd one out, as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli are all Cruciferous vegetables and they all originated from one plant, wild cabbage.
Which of these ingredients is found in dairy?
Lactic acid is an ingredient commonly found in dairy, especially in the more fermented products, such as cheese and sour cream. It is lactic acid that gives these foods their slightly sour taste.
Select "orzo" pasta from the pictures below:
Orzo pasta gets its name from the Italian word "orzo", which means barley, due to its visual resemblance to barley and rice.
Where do mangoes come from?
The delicious mango is popular worldwide nowadays, but it actually originated in India, where it is the national fruit today.
Why is ginger added to sushi?
Pickled ginger is meant to cleanse your palate and help you distinguish the distinct flavors of each variety of fish.
To counterbalance the hotness of wasabi
Marco Verch
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Which of these cheeses can you throw on a grill?
Unlike most cheeses, halloumi, a type of cheese from Cyprus, doesn't melt when grilled. It forms a crispy crust instead, which makes it perfect for frying and grilling.
Roux pastry is the basis for cream puffs and eclairs. What makes this pastry so special?
You have to pre-cook the flour and butter mixture to make roux dough.
It is cooked on the stove before being baked in the oven
It can be prepared both sweet and savory
It uses less eggs than other pastries
What’s bug juice?
Low quality alcohol that makes you dead drunk really fast is sometimes colloquially referred to as bug juice.
Strong, low quality liquor or whiskey
When you leave a watermelon outside on a hot summer day
A type of sweet, sticky syrup popular in England
Glane23/ Wikimedia Commons
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Which of the following is not a word used to describe fried potatoes?
Irish potatoes have little to do with potatoes and absolutely nothing to do with Ireland. This American dessert may resemble a potato, but it's a coconut cream dough rolled in cinnamon, yum.
Which US state is famous for its peaches?
The state of California is widely known as the leading producer of peaches in the United States.
What’s black pudding?
Black pudding is a type of blood sausage originating from Ireland and the UK. It's part of a traditional English Breakfast and, well, it has a characteristic black color.
A sausage made of pig’s blood that’s part of an English Breakfast
Another word for chocolate pudding
A special kind of blackcurrant jam that originated in Belgium
Which one of these is not technically a berry?
Unlike the rest of the fruit on the answers list, in a botanical sense, strawberries are not technically a berry, but rather an aggregate fruit (and so are raspberries). Avocados, on the other hand, are considered a berry. Confusing, we know.
Fortune cookies were invented in which city?
Modern fortune cookies were inspired by a Japanese cookie from the Kyoto region, but they actually originated in a San Francisco bakery, Benkyodo. Fun fact: in 1989, fortune cookies were imported into Hong Kong and sold as "real American fortune cookies".
Which of the following foods is NOT a bean?
Green beans are legumes, but they're not beans. Yes, these two are not synonymous, as beans are fruit that grow in pods, whereas legumes are the plants that grow beans. Because of this, all beans are legumes, but not all legumes are beans. And yes, according to the same logic, peanuts are considered beans because they grow in pods.
What does the “coco” in the word coconut stand for?
When Spanish and Portuguese colonizers first encountered coconuts on their journey to the islands of the Pacific, the oblong shaped nut with the 3 holes on its top reminded them of a skull, "coco" in Spanish and Portuguese (or alternatively, a witch or ghost called "coco"), so they decided to call it a coco-nut.
It’s a contraction of the French exclamation “cocorico” meaning cock-a-doodle-do
It stands for “pal” or “buddy” from French, referring to the many uses of the coconut
It means “skull” or “head” from Portugese, named for the 3 holes on a coconut resembling said body part