If you visited Italy today, would you get along enough as a tourist? Many wish to learn Italian, not only for traveling but because it is one of the most beautiful sounding languages, I think we all agree. It has a sing-song quality and that great accent. Do you know a bit of Italian?
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
A che ora means 'At what time'
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Conto means the bill or check, por favore is in Spanish
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Practice it like this: "Ay-oo-toh!"
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
This literally means 'How much is this?'
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
"And a good morning to you too!"
"Thanks, just got it now!"
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
While 3 of these are literally saying sorry, only Scusi is used to get attention while the permesso is said when you'd like to pass someone and mi dispiace is truly 'I'm sorry'
Choose the answer that offers the best translation.
Uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque
Um, dois, três, quatro, cinco
Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq
Unus, duo, tres, quattuor, quinque
Riprova? (Try again?)
You don't seem to know much about Italian, and if you ever want to visit Italy, it may come in real handy to know at least a tiny bit of basic words that will help you get along better. You can either try again or have a look at the answers and mistakes by clicking on 'Show Mistakes'.
Molto bene!
You surely know some Italian! You've probably heard it around for years before starting to understand single words and phrases here and there. Continue your Italian journey, the reward is incredible and visiting Italy with a little bit of basic Italian is a very rewarding experience.
You aced this test and proven to us you know at least basic Italian and can probably take care of yourself if you ever visit Italy. Congratulations on having some knowledge in basic Italian, it's one of the most beautiful languages in the world, don't you think?
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