Few things throughout the history of the world have captivated people's hearts and minds as much as the Seven Wonders of the World. The fact that there are so many tragedies and mysteries surrounding them further adds to their perpetual appeal, and as anyone who's visited the Great Pyramid of Giza will tell you, such fame is far from overrated. So, how much do you think you know about these incredible structures? Take this test and find out.
Which one of these isn't one of the Seven Wonders?
The Ancient City of Petra
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Approximately when was the Great Pyramid of Giza constructed?
Which pharaoh was the Great Pyramid of Giza built for?
Which of the Seven Wonders may not have ever existed?
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Lighthouse at Alexandria
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
How high were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon thought to have been?
Which famous Greek sculptor made the Statue of Zeus at Olympia?
Which Roman emperor planned to behead the Statue of Zeus at Olympia and replace it with his own likeness?
How many times did the Temple of Artemis have to be rebuilt?
Following its destruction, it was never rebuilt.
Who was responsible for the destruction of the Temple of Artemis in 268 AD?
Who was The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus built as a tomb for?
Where is Halicarnassus located in the present day?
Who did the Colossus of Rhodes depict?
How tall was the Colossus of Rhodes?
How long did it take to build the 450-foot tall Lighthouse at Alexandria?
In today's money, how much would it cost to reconstruct the Lighthouse at Alexandria?
Not Too Wonderful
Unfortunately, your score isn't as wonderful as the Seven Wonders' spectacular architects would have hoped for. But have no fear, as they aren't quite as vengeful as many have made them out to be. In fact, if they were alive today, they would most probably happily instruct you in their ancient ways, as self-improvement was very important to them. In the words of Alexander the Great, "How should a man be capable of grooming his own horse, or of furbishing his own spear and helmet, if he allows himself to become unaccustomed to tending even his own person, which is his most treasured belonging?"
Wonderful Result
Not too shabby at all! You've got a pretty solid understanding of the history and the many mysteries that surround the Seven Wonders of the World. While your score isn't perfect, you know a lot more about Babylon, Rhodes and Alexandria than many others ever will, and we strongly encourage you to never let your thirst for knowledge dry up. In the words of Alexander the Great, "You shall, I question not, find a way to the top if you diligently seek for it; for nature hath placed nothing so high that it is out of the reach of industry and valor."
The Eighth Wonder
Wow! Your knowledge of the Seven Wonders of the World is so completely outstanding that you run the risk of being named the Eighth Wonder! With such a brilliant track record, you may yet live to discover the truth behind the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, or you might help uncover some of the many mysteries surrounding the Great Pyramid of Giza. Remember that knowledge is power, as Alexander the Great once said, "I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion."
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