How Much Basic French Do You Know?

French is known as one of the Romance languages, like Spanish or Italian. It is a language most of us love listening to, as it has a beautiful musical flow and French words sound ever so... sophisticated and artistic. We bet you know more French than you think, so let's test you out!
1 of 12
How do you say 'Thank You' in French?
2 of 12
What does the French word 'Bonsoir' mean?
Good evening
Good night
Good morning
Good day
3 of 12
How would you ask a Frenchman what time it is?
Quelle heure est-il?
Combien ça coûte?
Pouvez-vous m’aider?
Comment vous appelez-vous?
4 of 12
You knocked into someone on the streets of Paris. How would you apologize?
Je suis désolé
Je suis Jour
Je suis beaucoup
Je suis Monsieur
5 of 12
Pick the image that represents the French word 'Monde''.
6 of 12
You need a seat. What are you looking for?
Une chaise
Une maison
Une casquette
Un plafond
7 of 12
Can you tell us what 'une journée' means?
A place
A journal
A day
A journey
8 of 12
What does 'Bonne Chance!' mean?
Have a good day!
Last chance!
Good effort!
Good luck!
9 of 12
You ask your French friend how they are, and they respond: 'Je vais bien.' What did they say?
"I'm fine"
"I'm not fine"
"I'm sad"
"I'm unwell"
10 of 12
What phrase did you use to ask a stranger how they are?
"Comment vous appelez-vous?"
"Combien ça coûte?"
"Comment allez-vous?"
"Quelle heure est-il?"
11 of 12
What does 'Je t'aime' mean in English?
"I love you"
"I'm tired"
"I like you"
"I'm calm"
12 of 12
Your hungry friend says they want to go out for 'Souper'. Which meal do they want?
Réessayer? (Try Again?)
You don't seem to know much French, and if you ever want to visit France, it may come in real handy to know at least a... READ MORE
Très bon!
You surely know some French! You've probably heard it around for years before starting to understand single words and... READ MORE
You aced this test and proven to us you know at least basic French and can probably take care of yourself if you ever... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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