In this quiz, we'd like you to guess where this person has their ancestry from. We are, of course, aware that most countries have a wide variety of ethnicities. Still, there are some tell-tale signs that those who have spent time with various ethnicities may recognize or use to help their guess. How good are you at guessing where someone's from?
Where is this young man from?
Where is this woman from?
Where is this young man from?
Where is this woman from, wearing traditional garbs?
Where is this young woman from?
Where is this flowery woman from?
Where is this intense-looking man from?
Where is this little boy from?
Where is this woman from?
Where is this friendly man from?
Where is this woman from?
Try Again?
You may not be very good at reading the ancestry of other people's faces. Perhaps that's a good thing, you care not for where people are from. But if you believe you can do better, how about giving it a second round? Alternatively, have a look at our answers.
You're Pretty Good at This
This is no easy task, so consider yourself as good as most people and better than quite a few at reading the ancestry of someone on their faces. You may have had quite a lot of experience with foreign faces, or have just had a lot of travel in your life. Good for you!
You've Seen Them All!
Wow, you really have an eye for the ancestry of a person, and that's impressive. With all the many, many different ethnicities out there, you may have had quite the interesting life to recognize so many. Kudos!