Do You Know These Latin Phrases?

While Latin is considered a dead language, not in use in any real capacity, it's still considered by many to be one of the most beautiful and even philosophical languages ever spoken. Indeed, many phrases are still used today, because they are just so elegant and lovely to hear.

Do you remember what these following Latin phrases mean? We'll start you off easy and challenge you a bit more as you progress through our 15 questions. To answer correctly, pick the most accurate translation of the Latin phrase into English. Good luck!
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 1
1 of 15
What does 'Carpe Diem' Mean?
Conquer life
Start your day
Seize the day
Live every day to the fullest
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 2
2 of 15
What does 'Veni, Vidi, Vici' Mean?
I Conquered, I Won, I Rule
I Saw, I Won, I Conquered
I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
I Came, I Conquered, I Win
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 3
3 of 15
What does 'Postmortem' Mean?
After life
After death
Before life
Before death
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 4
4 of 15
What does 'Anno Domini' Mean?
In the year of the Lord
Annual day of celebration
This year
My domain
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 5
5 of 15
What does 'Mea Culpa' Mean?
My wife
My scalp
My fault
My culprit
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 6
6 of 15
What Does 'Ave Maria' Mean?
Mother Mary
Hail Mary
Holy Maria
Marie's Eve
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 7
7 of 15
What Does 'Et Cetera' Mean?
Including this
And other things
As mentioned before
More of the same
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 8
8 of 15
What Does 'Rigor Mortis' Mean?
Sick person
Stiffness of death
A careful person
After death
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 9
9 of 15
What Does 'Cogito Ergo Sum' Mean?
My thoughts are who I am
I think, therefore I am
I am my mind
Thought is the sum of life
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 10
10 of 15
What Does 'Deus Ex Machina' Mean?
God controls machines
God from a machine
God sees all
Machines are tools of God
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 11
11 of 15
What Does 'Semper Fidelis' Mean?
Always faithful
Simply loyal
Ever vigilant
Strong faith
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 12
12 of 15
What Does 'Per Capita' Mean?
Per person
Per family
Per capital
Per household
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 13
13 of 15
What Does 'Circa' Mean?
Best guess
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 14
14 of 15
What Does 'Caveat Emptor' Mean?
Buyer beware
Emperor ruling
Rule by condition
Covet the empire
latin quiz Roman woman Roman numeral 15
15 of 15
What Does 'Vox Populi' Mean?
Power of the populace
Voice of the people
Vote of the people
Power of the poor
latin quiz badly costumed roman man
Not Quite the Roman Yet
No one can blame you for not scoring high on this test, after all, Latin is a dead language, and hardly useful. Still... READ MORE
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A Roman in Training!
Very good! You are on your way to being a real Roman by answering most of the questions correctly! Have a quick look at... READ MORE
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A Full Roman!
Your knowledge of Latin phrases is quite impressive! You've obviously had a good education and know your way around... READ MORE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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