There is no book that has a greater place in my heart than my long-cherished old copy of the Holy Bible. I know I am imperfect (aren't we all) but I think I know it pretty well. How about you? How well do you think you know about the people, places, and plots of the Old Testament? Take our memory taxing quiz to see how much knowledge of history's most important book.
In which OT book does the following verse appear? ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.’
This verse opens the 19th psalm, one of those said to have been written by Israel's great poet, King David himself.
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Which biblical hero was born first?
Abraham, followed by his son Isaac, and Isaac's son Jacob, are considered the 3 patriarchs of Israel.
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Which son of David rebelled against his father and declared himself king?
Absalom began acting as a judge in people's private suits and petitions. He was so popular he ended up becoming king, forcing David to fight back. Absalom's forces were subsequently routed by David's and he was murdered by one of his father's lieutenants (against David's orders to spare his life).
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Who was the first king of the Jewish people?
The judge, Samuel, was dismayed that the Jewish people desired a king, like other countries had, but he relented, with God's consent. His choice was Saul, whom he anointed in the sacred manner.
flickr/Howard Lifshitz
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How many sons did Jacob have?
Jacob had 12 sons, from 4 different women: his two wives, and their two servants. His 12 sons became the progenitors of Israel's tribes.
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In First Samuel 3, how many times does the LORD call Samuel during his sleep?
Samuel was sleeping when God summoned him, but for the first three times Samuel believed the high priest, Eli, was calling him, until Eli understood it was the Lord. Then God called Samuel for the fourth time.
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What was the name of Abraham’s wife?
Sarah, or Sarai, was not only Abraham's wife, but also half sister. On occasion Abraham would pretend she was only his sister, in order to keep himself safe when abroad.
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What language were the 5 books of the Law (Torah/Pentateuch) written in originally?
The 5 books of the Law were written in Hebrew. Probably, the majority of it was written around 600 or 700 years BC.
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Which of the 13 tribes of Israel did not become landowners, and were instead set aside to perform religious and political duties?
The Levites were a priestly tribe, descended from Levi, son of Jacob. Rather than lands, their inheritance was the Lord God himself. Moses and his brother Aaron were of this tribe.
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What is the missing word from this famous verse of Ecclesiastes: ‘Vanity of vanities, saith the ______, vanity of vanities; all is vanity’?
Preacher is a translation of a Hebrew word that also means teacher. Traditionally the author and preacher himself was identified as King Solomon, the wise king.
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After Moses and Joshua, the Hebrews had many quasi-leaders known as Judges, one of whom was a woman. What was her name?
Deborah was a prophetess, counselor, judge and warrior who led the victorious Israelites against a Canaanite enemy. The Song of Deborah she is said to have sung at her victory is considered the oldest material in the Old Testament (perhaps written in the 12th century BC)
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After King Solomon’s death a revolt separated the Kingdom of Israel into two separate kingdoms, the northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of ____.
The northern kingdom comprised the 10 tribes who rebelled against Judah's rule. The kingdom was conquered in 720BC by the Neo-Assyrian Empire, but Judah remained to defend the Jewish religion. The lost 10 tribes were never heard from in history again.
Try Again...
Unfortunately, this quiz got the better of you! It's ok, the bible is such a huge work, that it is beyond challenging... READ MOREUnfortunately, this quiz got the better of you! It's ok, the bible is such a huge work, that it is beyond challenging to remember it all. How about giving it another try?
Obviously, you are no stranger to the good book. In fact, you probably have a good recollection and have read it over... READ MOREObviously, you are no stranger to the good book. In fact, you probably have a good recollection and have read it over again since your childhood. You did a good job, but there were a few answers you missed. Care to try again for a higher score? If not, check the answers!
You know your bible really, really well! That is an impressive knowledge you've got there, we're jealous!... READ MOREYou know your bible really, really well! That is an impressive knowledge you've got there, we're jealous! Congratulations on acing our bible quiz, and may you continue to learn more from this incredible book.
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