Can You Identify These Scrambled Faces?

Some faces are so famous that virtually everyone knows who they are as soon as they see them. But what if their photographs were distorted? Your brain would have to do a lot of work to figure out whom the face belongs to! This is the perfect test of your facial recognition skills. To play, simply watch the short video of each face until you think you know who it is. Then choose the correct name and move on.
Can you identify this famous face?
Bruce Lee
Jackie Chan
Tom Cruise
Keanu Reeves
George Clooney
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Tom Jones
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
Martin Luther King
Denzel Washington
Muhammad Ali
Michael Jordan
Tiger Woods
Don King
Mike Tyson
Orson Welles
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
Winston Churchill
Joseph Stalin
President Roosevelt
Lyndon Johnson
G.K. Chesterton
Kelsey Grammer
Orson Welles
John McCain
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
Audrey Hepburn
Elizabeth Taylor
Marilyn Monroe
Bete Davis
Julie Andrews
Liza Minnelli
Audrey Tautou
Carla Bruni
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
John Wayne
Robert Mitchum
Roy Rogers
Gary Cooper
Edward G. Robinson
Al Pacino
Robert De Niro
Robert Duvall
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
Frank Sinatra
Dean Martin
Anthony Hopkins
James Cagney
Gene Wilder
Mel Brooks
Christopher Walken
Tony Bennett
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
Clint Eastwood
Bruce Willis
Jon Voight
Gene Hackman
Kirk Douglas
Vincent Van Gogh
John Wayne
Hugh Jackman
Can't Tell
Can you identify this famous face?
President Kennedy
Donny Osmond
Frank Sinatra
Elvis Presley
Rob Lowe
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
Ted Cruz
Can't Tell
Try Again...
Whoa! That was a tough one, huh? Don't worry, everyone has their off days. But remember, the beauty of a face isn't in its features alone, but how they all come together to create a unique whole. Brush up on your celebrity knowledge, and give it another go. Don't fret - even the best of us mix up faces sometimes!
You Know Your Famous Faces!
Impressive! You've got a keen eye for famous faces, even when they're all scrambled up! You clearly stay up to date with your pop culture. Still, there are a few faces that eluded your recognition. Don't stop now, your almost perfect score is just around the corner. Keep going and you'll soon become the ultimate celebrity connoisseur.
You Never Forget A Face!
Wow, you're truly the ultimate face recognition master! Despite all the scrambles, you pinpointed each celebrity with uncanny accuracy. You never forget a face, do you? Your detailed knowledge of celebrities and your keen eye for detail is truly admirable. Take a bow, you are in a league of your own when it comes to remembering famous faces!" "Wow, you're truly the ultimate face recognition master! Despite all the scrambles, you pinpointed each celebrity with uncanny accuracy. You never forget a face, do you? Your detailed knowledge of celebrities and your keen eye for detail is truly admirable. Take a bow, you are in a league of your own when it comes to remembering famous faces!
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