Take the ultimate spelling challenge!
Can you please help us by choosing the correctly spelled word to complete each sentence?
Bring your A, B and C game because we have 16 confusing words for you to spell!
Are you ready for a challenging, tough, 21 question-long Spelling Bee?
Pick the word with the correct spelling to beat this quiz.
Many people struggle with these 15 commonly confused words. Will you be able to prove that you know English better than most?
Do you think you're smarter than the average 4th-grader? If so, then give this English spelling test a shot!
If you love the USA, then you're bound to be able to spell its most popular cities correctly, right? Take this quiz and find out for yourself!
A lot of people find it hard to distinguish between American English and British English when reading and writing. Are you one of them?
With mobile phones and spell checkers all the rage, they say spelling standards are dipping. Can you pass this spelling quiz?