This test needs you to choose the odd word out of four. It requires only 13 answers from you, but you better give them some careful thought!
Can you figure out these spatial riddles? Show us!
if you want to show us you're smarter than a grey parrot, you'll have to answer a good number of these questions correctly!
Ready to challenge your logic and math capabilities?
Can you pick the word that does not belong with the others?
In this test we will measure your understanding of information, understanding of language and other verbal logic skills.
The following questions will challenge you in a variety of areas related to knowledge as well as computational and logical abilities.
Have you learned enough logic in your life to solve this quiz?
Can you satisfy these mysterious Math creatures and their questions?
How good are you at logic and math and what kind of billionaire would that make you most like?
12 challenging questions from math, logic and general knowledge to see what kind of mind you have.
How do you rank among the world's most intelligent thinkers? Here's your chance to find out.