Good luck in finding that one image that is not like the others...
Could you help us find all these naughty photos that just won't tow the line?
Can you locate the one image that is the odd one out?
Can your eye pick up on the little differences between these photos?
Can you find the 'rebel' photo in the group?
Are you able to to correctly identify the person in each of these photos and paintings?
You must decide WHO is the person who is the odd one out!
This quiz has 12 tricky questions, each will ask you to find the one image that doesn't match the other 3.
For each of these 10 questions, find the one image that is NOT like the others.
This quiz has 10 groups of images. Find the one image that is NOT like the other three in the group.
Each question will present you with a group of four pictures, will you be able to find all the odd ones out and get a perfect score?
If you can find all the differences we'll know for sure just how sharp your eye is.....