Ae you ready to dive into your general knowledge of famous people and famous places?
In this quiz, we will present you with some fascinating last words for you to tell us - who said it?
Can you pick the right famous person for the quote? Let's see how many you know.
Which of the famous billionaires are YOU most like?
Could you identify then AND spell their names right?
Are you familiar with some of those events that shook the world?
Will you lend us your help and your memory in completing these famous names?
Do you know or can you deduct - which event ACTUALLY happened?
From Abraham Lincoln to Catherine the Great, we're going to test you on Four great figures of history...
Can you help us out and tell us which of these quotes were really uttered by these following people?
an you tell us which historical person each of these are?
Do you know the 20th century well enough to pass this history quiz?