What Material Are You Made Of?

Materials have different qualities. Some materials are cold and lifeless, while others warm and alive. Some are unchanging, while others adapt to pressure. What kind of materials are YOU made of? Take this personality test to find out!
1 of 11
Choose a landscape...
2 of 11
When you think about your earlier life, how much do you reckon you've changed?
I've become more mature, wiser and tougher over the years.
I'm a completely different person.
Very little, I'm pretty much the same person.
My experiences have changed and molded me, so I am quite different.
3 of 11
Choose a color...
4 of 11
What time period do you think about most?
The present
The future
The past
5 of 11
Choose the idiom most relevant to you.
Hang in there
Actions speak louder than words
Easy does it
Familiarity breeds contempt
6 of 11
One of your best qualities is...
Adapting to new situations.
Having Patience.
Being Persistent.
Being ahead of the curve.
7 of 11
Choose a creature...
8 of 11
When you go on vacations, you usually go somewhere...
Somewhere with ancient ruins and a lot of history.
Hot with beaches.
Somewhere green with lush nature.
Somewhere urban that provides every comfort and entertainment.
9 of 11
What kind of movies and shows do you enjoy most?
Drama and romance
Action and Science Fiction
Thrillers and horror movies
Historical stories and documentaries
10 of 11
Choose an animal you feel connected to...
11 of 11
What is one of your WORST qualities?
Being too passive.
Letting others influence me.
Being stubborn.
Being rash.
Your material is Metal
As a 'metal' person, you are strong. Not just strong inside, but strong outside as well. You are sharp, smart and can... READ MORE
Your material is Wood
As a wood person, you have a strong affinity for life and nature. You love animals and hate the unchanging face of... READ MORE
Your material is Stone
Your material is stone. Like stone, you are almost impossible to move or to change. You are, in your core, the same... READ MORE
Your material is Water
You material is water. Of all the materials, you are the most adaptable. You have changed so much in your life that it... READ MORE
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