What is Your Spiritual Superpower?

We all have a spirit inside us that represents the flame of life we all are. More than bodies, more than meat and blood, we are beings of energy, emotion and intellect. Each spirit is as different from another as people are, which means they all have different attributes and abilities. Sometimes these are just things we're sensitive to, other times it can be almost prophetic. When it comes to YOUR spirit, what power do you think it has?
1 of 12
Where would you like to be right now?
At Home
With Friends
Not Sure
A Fun Place
A quiet place
2 of 12
If you could change eye color, what color would you pick?
3 of 12
What sort of creative activity draws you the most?
Drawing or Painting
4 of 12
Which of these is your preferred drink?
Something alcoholic
5 of 12
Which crystal attracts your eyes the most?
6 of 12
When meeting someone new, the most important thing to you is...
Hug them
Look them in the eyes
Smile at them
I usually shy away
Give them a good handshake
7 of 12
Pick a secondary career for yourself.
Something in social work
Something that preserves the past
Something in medicine
Something in technology
Something in law or politics
8 of 12
Which of these rules you most?
Equal parts logic and emotion
I never know what it's going to be
9 of 12
You walk in your apartment and discover a surprise party in your honor. What is your reaction?
Feel embarrassed by being the center of attention but remember to thank everyone and be nice
Run away
Be overwhelmed with hugs and kisses for everyone!
Beam at everyone and start planning THEIR surprise parties
I guessed it already so I will act surprised
10 of 12
Pick an animal you feel represents you best
11 of 12
In which position do you sleep?
On my side
I can't remember I sleep too deeply
On my stomach
It changes all the time
On my back
Stefan Rheone
12 of 12
What scares you the most?
Needles and other sharp things
Losing control
Insects and rodents
Things inside me I don't understand
That I will fail others
Healing Energy
Your spiritual superpower allows you to help the people around you and relieve some of their problems, just as some... READ MORE
Seeing Around the Corner
Your spiritual superpower allows you to collect countless little details and clues from your environment and put these... READ MORE
Feeling Auras
Your spiritual superpower gives you a strong sense of empathy. So strong that it goes beyond other people's emotions... READ MORE
Bringing Blessings
You are the light bringer. Your spiritual superpower is bringing blessings with you. You're a special person who has... READ MORE
Remembering Past Lives
There is an ocean inside you. You do not know how deep it goes or what it hides in its depths. Your spiritual... READ MORE
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