What Day Was Your Soul Created?

Some say God created the world in 6 days, and though man was created on the sixth day, the soul of each and every one of us received different traits from each of the days of creation. Each day has its own theme, and this is also how human character can be divided, when today you will find out on which day your soul was created. All you have to do is answer the following 15 questions, and at the end you will find out what your day of creation is and what it says about you.
On what day of creation was your soul created: a woman sitting on a chair
1 of 15
How do you prefer to spend your free time?
Meditation or similar activity
Gardening or similar hobby
A work of art
A trip to a new place
Spending time with friends and family
Expanding the mind with the help of books or videos
On what day of creation was your soul created: a cloud of colors
2 of 15
Choose the color you connect with the most
On what day of creation was your soul created: White
On which day of creation was your soul created: yellow
On what day of creation was your soul created: Purple
On what day of creation was your soul created: Green
On what day of creation was your soul created: Red
On what day of creation was your soul created: Blue
On what day of creation was your soul created: A woman meditating in a spring
3 of 15
What kind of environment would you like to meditate in?
In an urban studio and with guidance
Quiet and dark environment
Beside a stream that provides a gentle flowing sound of water
In a green garden full of fragrant plants
Under the sky at night
On the top of a mountain
On what day of creation was your soul created: leaves of different colors
4 of 15
What is your favorite season of the year?
On what day of creation was your soul created: on me you fell
On what day of creation was your soul created: flowers
On what day of creation was your soul created: Beach
On what day of creation was your soul formed: leaves with snow
On what day of creation was your soul created: teamwork
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What role do you feel you should take on in group projects?
Make sure no one gets lost on the way to the common goal
Find solutions to problems that arise along the way
Keep the team's motivation high
Lead the project and give instructions
Come up with ideas and lead brainstorming sessions
Deal with logistics
On what day of creation was your soul created: a bubble with colors inside
6 of 15
Which of the 4 elements do you connect with the most?
On what day of creation was your soul created: Savion flies in the wind
On what day of creation was your soul created: fire
On what day of creation was your soul created: Earth
On what day of creation was your soul created: water
On what day of creation was your soul created: a magnifying glass on a smiling face
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What ability or quality do you value most in others?
Spontaneity and fearlessness
The ability to calm those under pressure
The ability to care for those who need help
Leadership ability and charisma
The ability to think creatively and outside the box
The ability to explain complicated things clearly
On what day of creation was your soul created: Man on a cliff
8 of 15
Choose the most beautiful view in your opinion from the following:
On what day of creation was your soul created: sunrise
On what day of creation was your soul created: Forest
On what day of creation was your soul created: desert at night
On what day of creation was your soul created: a city skyline illuminated at night
On what day of creation was your soul created: a lake
On what day of creation was your soul created: Beach
On what day of creation was your soul created: an open book
9 of 15
What kind of stories are you more interested in?
Philosophical and thought-provoking stories
Adventure stories
Fantasy and/or science fiction stories
Stories with a happy ending
Stories about overcoming difficulties
On what day of creation was your soul created: animals
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Choose the animal you connect with the most:
On what day of creation was your soul created: a wolf
On what day of creation was your soul created: Eyal
On what day of creation was your soul created: Dolphin
On what day of creation was your soul created: Eagle
On what day of creation was your soul created: Phil
On what day of creation was your soul created: owl
On what day of creation was your soul created: Hungarian cube
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How do you work to solve the problems in your life?
By looking for spiritual direction
By staying calm until the solution comes
By trying to be flexible and explore multiple options
By focusing on small steps to improve
By listens to the advice of others
By visualizing the result I want and working towards it
On what day of creation was your soul created: flowers
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Choose the most beautiful flower in your eyes
On what day of creation was your soul created: roses
On what day of creation was your soul created: wild flowers
Wild flowers
On what day of creation was your soul created: Orchid
On what day of creation was your soul created: Sunflower
On what day of creation was your soul created: Shushan
On what day of creation was your soul created: Lotus
On what day of creation was your soul created: hands holding each other's pinkies
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What do you value most in your best friend?
Shared experiences
The ability to understand things
Emotional support
Practical help
Honesty and integrity
A common goal
On what day of creation was your soul created: gems
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Choose the gemstone you connect with the most:
On what day of creation was your soul created: Opal
On what day of creation was your soul created: a diamond
On what day of creation was your soul created: Turquoise
On what day of creation was your soul created: Aquamarine
On what day of creation was your soul created: Barakat
On what day of creation was your soul created: Ahlama
On what day of creation was your soul created: A man raises his hands in the air
15 of 15
How would you define your personal success in life?
Constant personal development
Creating change in the world
Accumulating as much experience as possible
Spiritual enlightenment
A peaceful life
My dreams coming e true
The first day - a bright and shining soul
On what day of creation was your soul created: hands holding light
On the first day God created the light that dispelled the darkness, and your soul also longs for light and... READ MORE
The second day - a peaceful and harmonious soul
On what day of creation was your soul created: Yam
On the second day, God separated the water above the sky from the water below, and so in you there is harmony between... READ MORE
The third day - a natural and growing soul
On what day of creation was your soul created: a small plant
On the third day God revealed the land and gave the plants life in it, and you too, like them, are deeply rooted in the... READ MORE
The fourth day - heavenly and creative soul
On which day of creation was your soul created: sun and moon
On the fourth day God created the luminaries and set them in the sky - the sun, the moon and the stars - and your eyes... READ MORE
The fifth day - a free and brave soul
On what day of creation was your soul created: A bird flies in the sky
On the fifth day God created the fish and birds, which swim and fly in the vast expanses of the sea and the sky freely... READ MORE
The sixth day - a living and loving soul
On what day of creation was your soul created: a hand touching a flower with a butterfly
On the sixth day God created the animals and man, and your soul gained the ability to form a deep connection with every... READ MORE
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