Which Are American & Which Are British Spellings?

A lot of people find it hard to distinguish between American English and British English when reading and writing. Do you think that you're one of them, or do you think you're one of the few people who can flawlessly switch from one English variant to another without making a single mistake? Take this test and find out!
Monouvre on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
US flag
UK flag
Defense on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
US flag
UK flag
Draught on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
US flag
UK flag
Aeroplane on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
US flag
UK flag
Aging on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Colour on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Analog on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Memorize on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Analyze on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Metre on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Gray on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Theater on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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UK flag
Jewelry on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
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Learned on pink background
Is this VERB in American or British English?
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Moustache on pink background
Is this word in American or British English?
US flag
UK flag
young girl frustrated with dictionary
Not Quite an Expert...
Oops! It seems as though you didn't manage to get at least half of the answers right. But that's OK, because the good news is that we see a lot of potential in you. Why not take some time to go over the correct answers below? We're sure you'll be able to ace this test the next time you attempt it! Don't forget to share this quiz with your friends and family too, just to see how they fare.
woman reading on the beach
The English Aficionado
Well done, you've managed to answer a good deal of the test questions correctly! However, you unfortunately didn't do well enough to get a dazzling 100% on the test, yet you were so close! We're sure that if you gave it another go, you'd manage to get it perfectly correct! If you liked this quiz, then make sure you share it with your friends, just to see if they're as smart as you are!
Expert in dictionary
The English Expert
Congratulations! Your mastery of the English language is absolutely remarkable, both when it comes to American English as well as British English. Nowadays, it seems as if proper use of English has died a thousand deaths, so it's really good to see that people who know the difference between these two English variants still do exist! If you loved this quiz, make sure you share it with your friends, just to see if they're as smart as you are!
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