Welcome to our challenging Spelling Bee, where 15 fascinating words await our brave contestants! This isn't just a test of spelling; it's an adventure into the enchanting world of language. Each word is a stepping stone, challenging your memory and wisdom. Whether you're competing or cheering from the sidelines, prepare for a captivating journey filled with suspense and excitement.
A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt.
The action of making something right; the correction of a fault or error.
A person who organizes and operates a business, taking on financial risk to do so.
A complete change of form or structure; a total transformation.
A person who compiles dictionaries.
A small, relatively unimportant offense or sin.
The process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter.
An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly.
A person or thing that is chronologically out of place.
Lacking harmony; unsuitable or unusual in combination.
(of language) Transparently clear; easily understandable.
The action of clearing someone of blame or suspicion.
Impossible to stop or prevent.
The identification and interpretation of patterns in nature and literature.
The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.
Basic Speller
It looks like you didn't manage to get even half of the answers right. But that's fine, since the good news is that we see loads of potential in you. Why not take some time to go over the correct answers below? We're sure you'll be able to ace this test the next time you attempt it! Don't forget to share this quiz with your friends and family as well, just to see how they fare.
Advanced Speller
You managed to answer a good portion of the test questions correctly. Alas, you, unfortunately, didn't do well enough to get an impressive 100% on the test, yet you were so close! We're sure that if you gave it another go, you'd manage to get it perfectly correct. We believe in you! If you liked this quiz, then make sure you share it with your friends, just to see if they're as smart as you are!
Spelling Champ!
Absolutely outstanding! You managed to spell every (or almost every) single word in this quiz correctly! You either love to read a lot or are just naturally blessed when it comes to language skills. Keep up the good work, since people like you are few and far between! Make sure that you share this quiz with your friends and family to see if they're as talented as you are!
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