Take our latest spelling bee and prove you can pick the right spelling time after time...
We have a new unscrambling challenge for you. At first glance it may look easy, but it gets harder...
How's your spelling these days? Up to scratch?
This unscramble jumble is really going to put you on your clock!
Before you are 14 sentences that cannot be completed without the correct word, correctly spelled. Can you spell them all?
Are you ready for 12 rounds of spelling?
A lot of people find it hard to distinguish between American English and British English when reading and writing. Are you one of them?
Your task is to deduce the complete word by filling in the blanks, based on the definition provided.
Find the error in these sentences and tell us what KIND of error it is.
Can you pick the correct version of all 12? Let's see you rise to meet this challenge!
In this fun spelling bee, you'll prove both your spelling skills and your knowledge of famous people in history and in culture today.
Ready to dive into this challenging yet entertaining linguistic journey?