If you think you know your famous quotes, or can deduce the real ending of these quotes, then step right up and test your recollection of these inspiring and famous quotes. In each of these questions you will read half of a quote, can you pick the correct ending?
Leonardo da Vinci=L__n_r__ d_ V__c_ Can you spell the name of the Mexican painter known for her self-portraits and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexic Frida Kahlo=F__d_ Ka_l_ Try Again Oops! It seems like those tricky names got the better of you this time. But don't worry!
Such inventive and inspired thinking allows you to go to new places and reach heights never attained before.
Trivia Quizzes trivia, quiz, history, baba recommends, quotes, usa, america, presidents, inspirational, us, trivia quiz
Bram Stoker's Dracula was inspired by Vlad the Impaler. Cleopatra was Egypt's last pharaoh. The largest continuous land empire ever was the Mongol Empire. The only US president not to belong to a particular political party was George Washington.
We hope we’ve inspired you to do some more research on biology! Share Result You Excelled! That was a brilliant test performance. You should be proud of your biological knowledge. If it comes to it, you’ll have no problem explaining to a nurse or doctor just where it hurts.
Salvador Dali Pablo Picasso Henri Matisse Michelangelo "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla Albert Einstein Henry Ford "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Friedrich Nietzsche John F.
Take another shot, or look through the correct answers and get inspired to watch one of these beautiful classics. Share Result Great Job! Cinema might not be your area of expertise, but you still managed to guess most of the actors correctly.
They are an inspiration, and also a warning, as many ended in tragedy. Will you try again for a higher score? Share Result There's Some Romance in Your Heart You've definitely held on to some memories of great love stories.
Count Dracula is a fictional character in the Dracula novel who was inspired by one of the best-known figures of Romanian history, Vlad Dracula. Myth Legend History Emperor Caligula promoted his favorite horse to general.