Which of these is something weather does NOT depend on?
What it does depend on in addition to those three is Temperature.
Which of these is NOT a type of cloud?
True or False: Fog is simply clouds that are low to the ground
If you’re out in the open during a storm, you should...
The other three are things you SHOULDN'T do, so take care not to take shelter under a tree...
Take shelter under a tree
Get away from high places
What is the hottest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?
Where was this temperature measured?
An abnormal rise in sea level accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm is called a...
A seasonal change in the direction of winds that can cause heavy rains or dry seasons is a...
Which spins faster, a hurricane, which is formed on water, or a tornado, which is formed on land?
While a tornado spins much faster, hurricanes typically cause more damage because they are bigger and can cause floods
Complete the sentence: While El Niño _______ the Pacific Ocean, La Niña _______ it.
True or False: You can count the chirps of grasshoppers outside to tell the temperature
To get a rough estimate of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and then add 37.