Inventors and Discoverers

Over the centuries and millennia, there have been people who have broadened our understanding of the world. Some have done it by expanding our knowledge from their laboratories, while others toured the unknown world, discovering new places for their cultures. In this quiz, we're going to test you about these great people and their discoveries.
1 of 12
In which century was Newton born?
17th century
18th century
15th century
16th century
2 of 12
What kind of math did Isaac Newton discover?
Infinitesimal Calculus
Game Theory
3 of 12
Who was the first to suggest a solar model that suggested that the Earth revolves around the sun?
Galileo Galilei
Nicolaus Copernicus
Michael Faraday
4 of 12
Who of these invented Jeans?
Calvin Klein
Brandon Wrangler
Nick Diesel
Levi Strauss
5 of 12
Who 'discovered' Hawaii for the old world?
James Cook
Christopher Columbus
Louis and Clark
Ferdinand Magellan
6 of 12
Which musical instrument's name comes from the name of its inventor?
7 of 12
Who was the first to arrive at the South Pole?
Ernest Shackleton
Edmund Hillary
Roald Amundsen
Robert Peary
8 of 12
Alessandro Volta invented the...
Electrical battery
Printing press
9 of 12
Who invented the popular drink Coca Cola?
Caleb Bradham
Charles Alderton
John Pemberton
Barney and Ally Hartman
10 of 12
Who invented the modern thermometer in 1709?
Johann Celsius
Angela Kelvin
Daniel Fahrenheit
Peter Meter
11 of 12
The man who took the first real photograph in 1826 was...
12 of 12
Forrest Edward Mars is known for inventing the...
Discovery of planet Mars
DNA molecules
'Mars' bar
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