Can You Pass an Elementary Science Exam?

The basic science we learn in our early years often remains the most we know about science. These fundamentals are crucial in our understanding of how the physical world works. So let us ask you this: How much do you remember from your science lessons?
A magnet has two poles, a south and north pole. What do they do when they meet?
They attract each other
They repel each other
What kind of celestial body is our Sun?
A Planet
A Star
An Asteroid
A Galaxy
When you guess a measurement and an exact number is not needed - what is that called?
Your favorite plant is starting to wilt. What will you give it?
More soil
Which tool would you use to best measure a liquid?
A Ruler
A Graduated Cylinder
Hand Length
Which of these things will a magnet NOT attract?
An iron nail
A steel knife
A nickel rod
An aluminum rod
True or False: Plants need a gas animals do not.
False: Both need the same gases
True: Nitrogen
True: Methane
True: Carbon Dioxide
Where do hermit crabs like to live?
In the mountains
On a beach
In a glacier
In a forest
In human cities
What is a scientist who studies living things called?
Which of these movements was caused by the fundamental force of GRAVITY?
A wagon moving
A door opening
A kite flying
A ball falling
Your cousin is a scientist who studies space. What is she called?
Where is the human center of gravity located?
Around our head
Around our belly button
Around our ribs
Around our feet
What is sand made of?
Dry wood
Crushed leaves
What phase is the moon in when we see it the SMALLEST?
Waxing crescent
Waxing gibbous
Waning crescent
Full moon
New Moon
You Have Forgotten...
You got a third or less of the answers right and that means it may be time to renew your basic science knowledge. After all, this is knowledge about how the world works, who knows when it might come in handy? Everyone should remember their science classes, so have a look at our answers to learn what you missed and learn some extra facts.
Good Job!
Not bad at all. You definitely remember most of your science lessons. However, due to the time that has passed since school, you may have forgotten some facts and that explains why you missed some answers as well. Have a look at our answers by clicking on 'show answers' and learn some new facts!
Great Job!
Well, you obviously remember a LOT of your science lessons! Good for you! Not only do you have a really good memory, but you have an attention to detail and probably a will to keep this information alive in your head and your understanding of the world. You aced it!
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